전체 (검색결과 약 24,174개 중 7페이지)

 영어 발표 스피치 -남북통일에 관해 [ english speech ] ( 1Pages )
남북통일에 관한 4~5분 내지의 영어 스피치 입니다. The unification of Korea Hello everyone. How are you today? I prepared a story for the 3 minutes speech. The subject of the story is "The unification of Korea."
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
실용의사소통영어, 영어 스피치, 남북통일 스피치, 통일스피치
 어린왕자[영어 독후감] ( 1Pages )
The Little Prince The little prince goes around many planets and then finally he arrives at the Earth where a pilot lives in. The little prince receives a sheep picture from the pilot and then he says what he has experieced in other planets. The little prince goes back his planet of asteroid known as B-612 after all. What I was impressed was that the flower and the little p..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
 성경 역사, 공관복음서, 외국대학 영어 2pages 에세이 ( 3Pages )
“What is a Gospel? The literary form and origins of the Synoptic” The New Testament what is concerned as the Christian religious document, at the same time, the book which is read by majority in the history of the world, starts its context with four testimonials which are called the Gospels. Even the Gospels have been enjoyed by persons whose religions are Christian, these..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
성경 역사, 공관복음서, 외국대학, 영어, 에세이, 영어 에세이, 공관복음, 신학 논문, 신학 레포트
 Juie of the Wolves ( 2Pages )
Juie of the Wolves 를 읽고 난 영어독후감 Once upon a time, there was a girl whose name is Miyax in a small Eskimo village. Her English name was Julie. When she was scarcely four years old, her mother passed away. She was going to live with her aunt Martha because her father, Kapugen also had to go to war. Unfortunately, her father never returned since he went seal hun..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
Juie of the Wolves, 영어독후감, 독후감
 영어관련교육/출판계생존필독서. ( 37Pages )
Let`s END or REVISE the School English Grammar. I bet “We have been learning the historically world worst academic theory.”, that has been exercising its unreasonable authority over the school English grammar since Onions (1904) or the Renascence. First. Every main verb must keep its original form. Second. All the incomplete verbs must take the adjective or nominal word as th..
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
 호텔영어회화 사례들 ( 8Pages )
Report ( 호텔영어회화 사례들 ) 1주차 For the first time today to visit workplaces, such as interns and staff for Employees have learned what will replace Who are placed away parts of the machine. The main one is the customer hospitality and machine management Customers are responsible for the food and beverage orders. Cheoimyira lot more difficult and confused, but sti..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 [영어변천사] 고대영어와 중세 영어 ( 5Pages )
1. 영어의 기원 세계의 언어는 Indo-European family, Afro-Asiatic family, Altaic family, Austro-Asiatic family, Austronesian family, Caucasian family, Dravidian family, Niger-Kordofanian family로 분류가 된다. 영어는 인구어족(Indo-European family)에 속해 있고, 인구어는 Greek, Celtic, Italic, Germanic, Anatolian, Tocharian, Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian, Albanian등 10개의..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 Cold Stone 콜드스톤 마케팅사례분석및 콜드스톤 문제점분석 해결방안및새로운 마케팅전략제안 (영어레포트) ( 17Pages )
INDEX Introduction I. The reason why we chose this brand Body II. Analysis of the external environment 1. Market Analysis 2. Competitor Analysis III. Analysis of the internal environment 1. Market segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) 2. 4P Analysis of Cold Stone 3. Customer Features of Cold Stone 4. Problems Related to 4P Strategy IV. SWOT Analysis C..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 속담영어 번역 모음집 ( 24Pages )
영어 속담에 대해서 모아서 정리한 자료 입니다. 필요하신분 유용하게 쓰세요 Security is the greatest enemy. 방심이 제일 무서운 적. (유비무환) serve the same sauce to him/you/her. serve him/you/her with the same sauce. 꼭 같은 방법으로 보복하다. 이에는 이. Set a thief to catch a thief. 도둑에게 도둑을 잡으라고 시키다. 이열치열(以熱治熱) serve the same sauce to him/you/her. s..
초중고 생활/교육 > 핵심요약노트 |
영어, 자료, 숙어, 단어, 속담
 토익,공무원 기타 영어 독해 자료집 ( 52Pages )
Questions 1-3 refer to the following report. ....
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
 이마트,이마트분석,이마트SWOT,이마트STP,이마트분석영문,영문마케팅,영어마케팅 ( 12Pages )
E -Mart Context Retail market E Mart present location The success factors Analysis - STP/SWOT / 4P Comparing with competitors Suggestion Retail Market Consuming pattern- prefer old brand, large amount of consuming → prefer quality rather than brand, contain reasonable consuming sense. E-Mart’s location ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [국문학] 음성학, 음운론에 대해서 ( 16Pages )
[ 음성학, 음운론 ] 1. 음성학의 연구분야 ① 조음음성학(Articulatory Phonetics) : 인간의 여러 음성기관(organs of spech)에 의해 언어음이 어떻 게 조음(articulation)되는가 하는 그 언어음의 산출(speech production)을 다루는 분야이다. ② 음향음성학(Acoustic Phonetics) : 공기중의 음파가 어떻게 전하여지는가 하는 언어음의 전이 (speech translation)를 다루는 분야. ③ 청음음성학(Auditory P..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 [영화감상문]다빈치코드 를 영어로 작문, 한글도 같이 있습니다 ( 4Pages )
MOVIE REVIEW - The Da Vinci Code 1. 영화선택 I intentionally avoided Dan Brown s novel before seeing the movie (and don t intend to read it now that I have sat through the adaptation), hoping to provide a fresh perspective. Presumably, the book, which is often referred to as a compulsive page-turner, is more riveting that its cinematic counterpart. But, I watched it, The Da..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
 영어 수업지도안,영어수업지도안,영어 교수학습지도안 ( 4Pages )
What a Beautiful World! Class : The first class of Lesson 5 Contents Textbook READY + ACTION! (pp. 68~69) Activity Book Listening (pp. 68~69) Lesson Goal 1. Students are able to choose the sentence that explains the dialogue. 2. Students are able to understand exclamatory sentences. 3. Students are able to listen and choose the right picture. 4. St..
리포트 > 교육학 |
영어과 수업지도안, 영어수업지도안, 영어과 교수학습지도안, 영어학습지도안
 영어논문 [국제커뮤니케이션] A학점 외국대학 ( 4Pages )
영어논문 [국제커뮤니케이션] A학점 외국대학 Critical Essay The field of intercultural relations grew from a desire to create positive professional and personal arrangements between people of different cultures. ...
논문 > 사회과학분야 |
영어 논문, a학점, 외국대학 논문, 국제 커뮤니케이션 레포트, 국제 커뮤니케이션 논문
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