전체 (검색결과 약 13,276개 중 4페이지)

 OCD (강박장애) 특성 ( 2Pages )
1. Introduction 1) Anxiety disorder ① most prevalent psychiatric condition ② produce inordinate morbidity, utilization of health care services, and functional mpairment ③ increase the rate of cardiovascular-related mortality in chronic phase 2) Neurobiological perspect - constructing animal model of fear and anxiety that appear relevant to human psychopathological..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee) and SAM Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensor) hereby terminate the License and Technical Assistance Agreement dated July 13. 1995 and any other agreements, if any, ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 재고관리 ( 9Pages )
CALS (Continuous Acquisition And Life-Cycle Support) 1. CALS 란 ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
경영, 경제
 M_M_마케팅관리론_보고서,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 10Pages )
M M Communcations LG Tromm Styler Since the introduction of electronic gadgets, the life of humankinds has been in a full of convenience. Now, people do not just look for the convenience but also their life-value. White-product market is also going through this as well. Having a new household gadget does not anymore mean of a new convenience - it a representation of their li..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [영시입문] 미국과 영국시 속의 사랑과 인생 ( 6Pages )
제출일 : 과목명 : Introduction to English Poetry 과제: Love Life in British and American poetry A Thought about Life in the Poetry William Wordsworth와 Robert Frost의 시를 통해 본, “Life”에 대한 나의 생각 My favorite Poet Robert Frost (1874-1963) 학번: 성명: 담당교수 : 제목 :A Thought about Life in the Poetry (William Wordsworth와 Robert Frost의 시를 통해본, “Life”에 대한..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 인간관계론 ( 25Pages )
Warmth Discuss the benefits of warmth in communication with clients and colleagues Identify behaviors that demonstrate warmth Review a tool to analyze warmth in interpersonal communications Describe a variety of ways in which warmth is displayed and articulate the importance of warmth in human interactions Become aware of opportunities to embellish your life with warmth in da..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 IKEA,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 26Pages )
CONTENTS Ⅰ. About IKEA Introduction History Ⅱ. The point 1. Environmental Analysis 2. STP Analysis 3. SWOT Analysis 4. 4P 5. Operational Strategy Ⅲ. Conclusion1. Conclusions and Implications2. Think us Ⅰ. About IKEA 1. Introduction The world s largest furniture retailer it was founded in 1943. Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd As of October 2010, the chain has global 31..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Personality_Development,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 14Pages )
Personality Development CONTENTS Introduction Erikson’s 8 Stages Application in education Erik H. Erikson (1902~1994) “ It is human to have a long childhood; it is civilized to have an even longer childhood. Long childhood makes a technical and mental virtuoso out of man, but it also leaves a life-long residue of emotional immaturity in him.” Who is Erik H. Erikson Psycho-soc..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. ­ ­ Personal Deduction Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relationship Name Age Limit Resident(Foreign) Reg..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. ­ ­ Personal Deduc tion Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relationship Name Age Limit Resident (Foreign)..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 CALS란 ( 13Pages )
◇◇ CALS란 CALS(Continuous Axquisition and Life-cycle Support)는 제조업의 모든 상품, 즉 주요장비 또는 다양한 제품 등을 획득하기위한 설계, 생산과정, 또는 보급, 조달 등등 이를 운영라는 운용지원 과정을 연결시키고, 이들 돠정에서 사용되는 문자(text)과 그래픽(graphic) 정보를 표준을 통해 디지탈(digital)화하여 종이 없이 컴퓨터에 의한 교류(거래)환경헤서 설계, 제조 및 운용지원 자료..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 삼다수의 유럽진출 방안,삼다수,삼다수마케팅,삼다수마케팅전략,삼다수분석,삼다수기업분석,생수시장,생수시장해외진출,삼다수해외진출 ( 15Pages )
삼다수의 유럽진출 방안 - Water Is Not A Jewel But A life Ⅰ. Background and Problem 1. Marketing Audit 1) 삼다수란 2) Competitive situation 3) Customers 4) Macroenvironment situation 2. Problem Identification Ⅱ. Market Analysis and Research 1. The current marketing mix 1) Product situation 2) Promotion situation 3) Price situation 4) Place situation 2. SWOT Anal..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 구스타프슨(J.M.Gustafson)의 신학적 윤리 ( 11Pages )
구스타프슨(J.M.Gustafson)의 신학적 윤리 이 글에서는 구스타프슨(James Moody Gustafson)의 신학적 윤리 사상에 대하여 고찰하려고 한다. 구스타프슨은 1925년 12월 2일에 태어나서, 예일 대학교에서 박사학위를 받은 후에, 예일과 시카고 대학에서 가르쳤으며, 현재는 에모리 대학교에서 교수로 봉직하고 있다. 그는 많은 저서를 남겼지만, 이 글에서는 그의 저서 중에서 네 권의 책을 참고로 하고 있..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 상관관계분석 VS 회귀분석 차이점 ( 57Pages )
Without much thinking, I picked up Demian by Hermann Hesse which is so famous that nearly everybody knows it. Frankly speaking, when I was 9, I once attempted to read this book. But it was so difficult that I couldn t understand. I was too young to consider about things like life and human being at that time. But now I can understand this book more fully. I picked up the book..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [입지선정-입지영향인자] 입지선정에 있어서 입지의 영향인자 ( 9Pages )
[입지선정-입지영향인자] 입지선정에 있어서 입지의 영향인자 목차 입지영향인자 Ⅰ. 인구통계자료 Ⅱ. 인구통계의 활용 1. A급상권 2. B급상권 3. C급상권 4. D급상권 Ⅲ. 라이프스타일 1. 시장세분화 1) 미분화형 2) 띄형 3) 군집형 4) 완전분산형 2. 라이프스타일의 측정방법 1) AIO 접근방법 2) RVS(Rokeach Value Survey) 3) VALS(Value and Life-Style) 4) LOV(List of Value) Ⅳ. 신소비자 라..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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