전체 (검색결과 약 3,010개 중 6페이지)

 M_M_마케팅관리론_보고서,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 10Pages )
M M Communcations LG Tromm Styler Since the introduction of electronic gadgets, the life of humankinds has been in a full of convenience. Now, people do not just look for the convenience but also their life-value. White-product market is also going through this as well. Having a new household gadget does not anymore mean of a new convenience - it a representation of their li..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 위탁가공무역계약서 ( 2Pages )
<위탁가공무역계약서 예시> CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT This contract is made and enters into on .. 2000 by and between (hereinafter referred to as A) and (hereinafter referred to as B) Article 1 (Products and Processing Charge) Items Unit Spec. Quantity Unit Charge Total Amount B processes and delivers the finished product to A on the basis of the following Consignment ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 품질보증계약서(Quality Assurance Agreement) ( 5Pages )
Quality Assurance Agreement This Agreement made and entered into effective as of the ( )th day of (), 2002 (Effective Date) by and between XYZ Corp.,a Japanese company, with its principal place of business at (___주소기재 要___) (XYZ) and ABC Company, Ltd.,a Korean company, with its principal place of business at 20, 주소기재 , Korea (ABC) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ABC de..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 에이젼시계약서 ( 4Pages )
Agency Agreement This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea with its principal place of business at 000 Samsungdong, Kangnamku, Seoul, Korea and [Y Co., Ltd.](“Company”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of [the state of New York,..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 에이젼시계약서 ( 4Pages )
Agency Agreement This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea with its principal place of business at 000 Samsungdong, Kangnamku, Seoul, Korea and [Y Co., Ltd.](“Company”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of [the state of New York, U..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 마케팅전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 14Pages )
MAKETING STRATEGY Product base Refrigerator applied Coffee maker “FOCUSED ON ACTION PLAN IN THE MATURE REFRIGERATIOR MARKET” INTRODUCE TEAM3 TEAM3 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Our Product idea is very simple, We just applied Philips SAECO coffee maker to the Samsung Refrigerator. Because we make idea focused on Trend and Synergy in the mature refrigerator market SYNERGY TREND = TEAM3 M..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 UNIQLO 유니클로 마케팅믹스 4P전략분석과 유니클로 브랜드분석및 유니클로 새로운 마케팅전략 제안 ( 32Pages )
Finding New Target 조원 : 이현호 주상욱 이 림 김수현 맹병용 임진우 4조 목 차 UNIQLO Contents 유니클로 소개 Product Price Place Promotion Product Price Place Promotion New 유니클로는 전 연령층을 대상으로 의류를 제공한다는 이념 하에 실제 높은 성장률을 기록하고 있다. UNIQLO 기업이념 : Made it for all 언제 어디서든 누구나가 입을 수 있는 고품질 베이직 캐주얼을 시장 최저 가..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 상호라이센스계약서 ( 8Pages )
Cross License Agreement(영문상호라이센스계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the ___ day of ,___,___ by and between ___,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of ___, with principal l offices at: ___ (hereinafter called ABC) and ___,a corporation constituted in a accordance with the laws of ___, with principal offices at:___ (hereinafter called 000), in ten..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 디지털 회로설계 - 고속 동작 곱셈기 설계 ( 9Pages )
1. 제목 : 고속 동작 곱셈기 설계 2. 목적 고속 동작 곱셈기의 설계를 통해 곱셈 과정을 이해하고 곱셈기 구현을 위한 여러 가지 기법들을 익히며 설계 흐름을 숙지한다. 또한 VHDL을 사용한 sequential circuit의 description 방법을 익히고 동작 확인 과정을 통해 simulation tool의 사용법을 익힌다. 3. 목표 및 기준 설정 곱셈기를 구현하는 논리는 덧셈기를 구현하는 이론보다 복잡해서, 어떠한 논..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 대리점계약서(AGENCY AGREEMENT) ( 8Pages )
AGENCY AGREEMENT 본 계약서 Sample은 한국무역대리점 협회에서 표준 계약서로서 추천하는 것이나, 완벽한 것이라고는 할수 없는 만큼 필요에 따라 적절히 수정하여 사용할 필요있음. 한국기업이 해외의 특정인에게 Agentship을 주고자 할 경우도 본 Sample을 참조하여 영문계약서 작성요령에 따라 작성할 수 있을 것임. 그러나 곳곳에서 매끄럽지 못한 표현이 많은 만큼 적절히 수정하여 사용함이 좋을 듯..
서식 > 계약서 |
 가격수준에따른단일원산지와복합원산지패션제품에관한소비자평가연구 ( 20Pages )
가격수준에 따른 단일원산지와 복합원산지 패션 제품에 관한 소비자 평가 연구 A Study on Consumer Evaluation of Uni-national and Bi-national Fashion Products by Price Level 황선진*․이윤경** [목차] Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 Ⅲ. 연구방법 Ⅳ. 결과 및 분석 Ⅴ. 결론 참고문헌 1) [ Abstract ] The purpose of this study was to examine the consumer evaluation of uni-national and bi-nation..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 무역_계약서6 ( 2Pages )
위탁가공무역계약서(CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT) 영문판 입니다. This contract is made and enters into on . . 1997 by and between ___(hereinafter referred to as A) and ___(hereinafter referred to as B) CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT This contract is made and enters into on .. 1997 by and between ___(hereinafter referred to as A) and ___(hereinafter referre..
서식 > 계약서 |
위탁가공무역계약서, Processing, Shipment, Claims
 물품판매 계약서(영문) ( 6Pages )
물품판매 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. AGENCY AGREEMENT 본 계약서 Sample은 한국무역대리점 협회에서 표준 계약서로서 추천하는 것이나, 완벽한 것이라고는 할 수 없는 만큼 필요에 따라 적절히 수정하여 사용할 필요있음. 한국기업이 해외의 특정인에게 Agentship을 주고자 할 경우도 본 Sample을 참조하여 영문계약서 작성요령에 따라 작성할 수 있을 것임. 그러나 곳곳에서 매끄럽지 못한 표현..
서식 > 계약서 |
물품, 판매, 계약서, 영문
 영문 기술라이센스계약서 ( 12Pages )
TECHNICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on <일자> of<월> 199< >by and between <기술제공회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of <기술제공국명>, having its main office and place of business at <주소 > (hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR) and <기술도입회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 OEM계약서_1 ( 7Pages )
OEM Agreement This Agreement, made and entered into as of this __th day of ___, 1999 by and between [ OOO ],a corporation existing under the law of [ OOO ] having its principal address at [ OOO ] (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”) and [ OOO ],a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of [ OOO ] and having its principal office of business at [ OOO] (hereinaft..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
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