전체 (검색결과 약 25,270개 중 6페이지)

 도연명집원문 ( 38Pages )
(자료를 공유합시다. - 진갑곤 -) 陶淵明集 卷一 詩四言 停雲 四章幷序. 停雲思親友也 罇湛新醪 園列初榮 願言不從 歎息彌襟. 靄靄停雲 濛濛時雨 八表同  平路伊阻 靜寄東軒 春醪獨撫 良朋悠邈 搔首延佇 [二] 停雲靄靄 時雨濛濛 八表同  平陸成江 有酒有酒 閒飮東窓 願言懷人 舟車靡從 [三] 東園之樹 枝條再榮 競用新好 以招余情 人亦有言 日月于征 安得促席 說彼平生 [四] 翩翩飛鳥 息我庭柯 斂翮..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 Happiness ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Happiness I asked professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what is happiness And I went to famous executives who boss the work of thousands of men They all shook their heads and gave me a smile as though I was trying to fool with them. And then one Sunday afternoon I wandered along the Desplaines river And I saw a crowd of Hungarians under the trees with t..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 오픈마켓_세금폭탄,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 12Pages )
오픈 마켓의 세금 폭탄,! ▶ 개인 판매자들이 사이버공간에 입점해 일정 수수료를 내고 자유롭게 상품을 판매하는 쇼핑몰 형태. ▶ 큰 투자비용 없이 손쉽게 운영할 수 있는 장점으로 인해 1998년 처음 등장한 이래 작년 말 20여만개까지 늘어난 것으로 추정. 오픈 마켓이란 기사소개 1. 세금폭탄 최근 국세청이 옥션과 G마켓 등 오픈마켓에서 물건을 파는 개인판매 자를 상대로 대대적인 세무조사에 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 장자원문 ( 77Pages )
莊 子 莊子今註今譯, 陳鼓應, 中華書局(香港), 1991 < 內 篇 > 逍 遙 遊 1. 北冥有魚, 其名爲鯤. 鯤之大, 不知其幾千里也. 化而爲鳥, 其名爲鵬. 鵬之背, 不知其幾千里也., 怒而飛, 其翼若垂天之雲. 是鳥也, 海運則將徙於南冥. 南冥者, 天池也. 齊諧者, 志怪者也. 諧之言曰..「鵬之徙於南冥也, 水擊三千里, 박扶搖而上者九萬里. 去以六月息者也.」 野馬也, 塵埃也, 生物之以息相吹也. 天之蒼蒼, 其正色邪..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 Stars ( 3Pages )
1.원문 Stars Alone in the night On a dark hill With pines around me Spicy and still, And a heaven full of stars Over my head, White and topaz And misty red; Myriads with beating Hearts of fire That aeons Cannot vex or tire; Up the dome of heaven Like a great hill, I watch them marching Stately and still, And I know that I Am honored to be Witness Of so much ma..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 문헌복사신청서 ( 1Pages )
문헌복사 신청서 문헌복사 지출 의뢰서 정보운영팀장 귀하 수신 : 정보운영팀장 다음과 같이 문헌복사를 신청합니다. 신청자 (성명)___(소속)___(전화)___ 20 년월일 주문번호___ 계정번호___ 신청자 (성명)___(소속)___(전화)___ 계정책임자___(인) 계정번호___ 계정책임자___(인) (**항목은 연구경비, 재료비, 기술정보활동비) 20 년월일 주문번호 잡지명(Vol, page,..
서식 > 학교서식 |
 TheWayItIs ( 2Pages )
1.원문 The Way It Is There's a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn't change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can't get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time's unfolding. You ..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 PointofView ( 3Pages )
1.원문 Point of View Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless Christmas dinner's dark and blue When you stop and try to see it From the turkey's point of view. Sunday dinner isn't sunny Easter feasts are just bad luck When you see it from the viewpoint Of a chicken or a duck. Oh how I once loved tuna salad Pork and lobsters, lamb chops too Till I stopped and looked at dinn..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 노자원문 ( 14Pages )
《老子》電子版說明   說明   引車買漿之流有云:「好話不在言多」。中華民族上下几千 年文明流傳下來的遺産,盡管汗牛充棟,但論及能總括中華民族的基 本傳統、思想與精神一言以蔽之者,無容質疑,當首數老子的《 道德經》〔亦或直呼爲《老子》〕。其精煉的九九八十一章,僅以簡 潔優美的五千文字,洋洋灑灑深邃博大地,構造出了一個朴素、自然 、豁達、飄逸的宇宙觀、人生觀、方法論的
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
경영, 경제
 Prayer ( 2Pages )
1.원문 A Prayer When I am dying, let me know That I loved the blowing snow Although it stung like whips; That I loved all lovely things And I tried to take their stings With gay unembittered lips; That I loved with all my strength, To my soul's full depth and length, Careless if my heart must break, That I sang as children sing Fitting tunes to everything, Loving life for i..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 AGirlsSonginWinter ( 2Pages )
1.원문 A Girl's Song in Winter For Cyril Connolly Edith Sitwell That lovely dying white swan the singing sun Will soon be gone. But seeing the snow falling, who could tell one From the other. The snow, the swan-plumaged circling creature, said Young girl, soon the tracing of Time's bird-feet and the bird-feet of snow Will be soon upon your smooth cheek. O, soon you will ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 Scars ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Scars They tell how it was, and how time came along, and how it happened again and again. They tell the slant life takes when it turns and slashes your face as a friend. Any wound is real. In church a woman lets the sun find her cheek, and we see the lesson: there are years in that book; there are sorrows a choir can't reach when they sing. Rows of children lift th..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 OhMistressMine ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Oh Mistress Mine from Twelfth Night Oh Mistress mine! where are you roaming Oh! stay and hear; your true love's coming, That can sing both high and low. Trip no further, pretty sweeting; Journeys end in lovers' meeting, Every wise man's son doth know. What is love 'tis not hereafter; Present mirth hath present laughter; What's to come is still unsure: In delay t..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 MyHeartLeapsUp ( 2Pages )
1.원문 My Heart Leaps Up My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky : So was it when my life began ; So is it now I am a man ; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die ! The Child is father of the Man ; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.! (William Wordsworth) 2.해석 하늘의 무지개 바라보면 하늘의 무지개 바라보면 내 가슴..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 IAmNotYours ( 2Pages )
1.원문 I Am Not Yours I am not yours, not lost in you, Not lost, although I long to be Lost as a candle lit at noon, Lost as a snowflake in the sea. You love me, and I find you still A spirit beautiful and bright, Yet I am I, who long to be Lost as a light is lost in light. Oh plunge me deep in love -- put out My senses, leave me deaf and blind, Swept by the tempest ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
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