전체 (검색결과 약 470개 중 21페이지)

 영문 차관계약서2(LOAN AGREEMENT) ( 44Pages )
LOAN AGREEMENT(2) THIS AGREEMENT date the () day of () nineteen hundred and ninety-five BETWEEN (1) ()a company duly incorporated and validly existing with good standing under the laws of () and having its (registered) (principal) office at () (the Borrower) (2) () ( the Bank) WHEREAS : () NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows : Article 1. Definitions ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 사후관리계약서(AFTER-SERVICE AGREEMENT) ( 6Pages )
AFTER-SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this () day of (), 20( ) by and between ABC Co., Ltd.,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having its principal office of business at () Yoido-Dong, Youngdungpo-Gu, Seoul 150-721, the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as ABC and( ),a corporation organized and e..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 동영상 SW 라이센스 공동협력계약서(COLLABORATION AGREEMENT) ( 11Pages )
COLLABORATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this first day of November, 2001, beyond between Licensor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of 국가, having its main office and place of business (주소기재) (hereinafter referred to as Licensor) and Licensee. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the 국가, having its main off..
서식 > 계약서 |
 무역_계약서6 ( 2Pages )
위탁가공무역계약서(CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT) 영문판 입니다. This contract is made and enters into on . . 1997 by and between ___(hereinafter referred to as A) and ___(hereinafter referred to as B) CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT This contract is made and enters into on .. 1997 by and between ___(hereinafter referred to as A) and ___(hereinafter referre..
서식 > 계약서 |
위탁가공무역계약서, Processing, Shipment, Claims
TECHNICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on <일자> of<월> 199< >by and between <기술제공회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of <기술제공국명>, having its main office and place of business at <주소 > (hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR) and <기술도입회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 특허 및 기술도입계약서(License and Technical Assistance Agreement) ( 11Pages )
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT made by and between [the American Widget Co.,]a corporation organized and existing under [the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A], having an office at [150, 51st West, New York, N.Y.,U.S.A.] (hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR); and [Korean manufacturing Co., Ltd.],a corporation organi..
서식 > 계약서 |
 LivingWillDeclarationof(FullLegalName) ( 1Pages )
Living Will Declaration of (Full Legal Name) Declaration made this ____ day of ___, 20 . I, (Declarant's Full Legal Name), being at least eighteen (18) years of age and of sound and disposing mind, willfully and voluntarily make known my desires that my dying shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set forth below. I further declare: . . 중략 ..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 영문 계약종료대비계약서 ( 1Pages )
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee) and 000 Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensor) hereby terminate the License and Technical Assistance Agreement dated July 13. 1995 and any other agreements, if any, ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 계약종료대비계약서 ( 1Pages )
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee) and 000 Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensor) hereby terminate the License and Technical Assistance Agreement dated July 13. 1995 and any other agreements, if any, re..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee) and SAM Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensor) hereby terminate the License and Technical Assistance Agreement dated July 13. 1995 and any other agreements, if any, ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 평생교육사자격증영문서식 ( 1Pages )
< 평생교육사 자격증 영문 서식> () UNIVERSITY Address : Phone : Fax : ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATOR CERTIFICATE Serial No. of Certificate : (발급번호) Issue Date : (발급 연월일) Name : Personal ID Number : Qualification Grade : Adult And Continuing Educator () Grade This is to certify that the above-mentioned person has fulfilled all the requirements of the Adult And Cont..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 특허및기술도입계약서 ( 12Pages )
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made and entered into this ___ by and between ABC CO, LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of Japan , with its principal place of business at (___), Japan(hereinafter referred to as ABC) and XYZCO., LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of the Republic of Korea, with its principal place of busines..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 [독해-띄어해석하기] ( 5Pages )
끊어 읽기 요령 일곱 가지 [끊어 읽기 요령 일곱 가지] 영어를 의미단위로 끊어 읽는 것, 그것이 바로 독해력과 청해력 향상의 지 름길입니다. 영어를 읽을 때 아래의 내용을 항상 염두에 두세요. 많은 도움 이 됩니다. 1. 주어 앞에 오는 부사구와 부사절은 주어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다. 2. 긴 주어 뒤에서 끊어 읽는다. 3. 긴 목적어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다. 4. 진주어 또는 진목적어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다. 5..
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
영어, 토익, 텝스, 리딩, 독해, 끊어읽기
 생물학 실험 - 쥐 해부 실험 ( 8Pages )
1. 실험목적 1) 쥐를 해부하는 방법을 배운다. 2) 쥐의 해부를 통해 내부 기관의 모양과 위치, 그리고 기능을 안다. 3) 쥐의 뇌 해부를 통해 각 부분의 명칭과 기능에 대해서 안다. 2. 준비물 수술용 가위, Porceeps(핀셋), 휴지, 테이프, 비닐장갑, mouse -Supplements for Materials •Ethyl Ether ( ) The Merck Index 12/ed. No. 3852. p. 648. Mobile, very volatile, highly flammable liq. Explosi..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 RPD 제작과정 ( 11Pages )
R.P.D 제작과정 Mold에서 모형을 분리해 낸 후 모형을 surveyor table에 잘 맞춘다. 모형을 surveyor table에서 분리해야 할 경우가 생길 때 모형을 제 자리에 위치 시킬 수 있도록 모형에 구멍을 뚫어둔다. 분석봉에 교합지를 묻혀 survey line을 그리고 디자인을 한다. survey line 아래부분과 under cut 아래 부분은 block out을 한다. -가스토치로 표면을 윤택하게 하고 다시 surveyor ..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
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