전체 (검색결과 약 9,977개 중 2페이지)

 국내 ㈜로만손의 기업분석(2003년까지)[pdf] ( 7Pages )
본 기업분석은 시장조사, 수요예측 전문기관인 ㈜밸류애드에서 제작된 자료로 <2004 기업분석 견본>이 무료로 제공되고 있으니, 충분히 검토후 구매하시기 바랍니다.[NL][NL]1999년부터 2003년까지 국내 상장기업의 재무제표를 이용한 기업 분석 자료이며, 상위 업종 업체 리스트와 기술 기여도 분석이 포함되어 있습니다.[NL][NL]2003년까지 재무재표를 이용하였으므로, 2004년에 신규 업체나 상장 폐지 업..
비지니스 > 기업분석 |
 영문 기본구매계약서 ( 13Pages )
BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of day of , 1992. BETWEEN : (1) ABC Co., Ltd a Japanese corporation, acting through its Construction Machinery Division, having its principal place of business at World Trade Center Building, 00, 000 2chomp, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan( hereinafter referred to as ABC ). (2) XYZ Co., Ltd a Korean corporation, having..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 양도계약서 ( 2Pages )
ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT This Assignment Agreement is made this (Date)th day of (Month), (Year) by and between: ABC CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ---(Nation of ABC), having its principal office at ---(Address of ABC) (the ABC); and DEF CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ---(Nation for DEF), having its pr..
서식 > 계약서 |
JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between ABC, Ltd.,a corporation established and existing under the laws of , having its principal place of business at (hereinafter referred to as ABC), and XYZ, Ltd.,a corporation established and existing under the laws of ., having its principal place of business at (hereinafter r..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 상호개발계약서 ( 11Pages )
JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between ABC, Ltd.,a corporation established and existing under the laws of , having its principal place of business at (hereinafter referred to as ABC), and XYZ, Ltd.,a corporation established and existing under the laws of ., having its principal place of business at (hereinafter ref..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
REGISTERED TRADEMARK USER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ___,____, 2000__ by and between World Corp. with its office at ___ (hereinafter called XYZ) of the one part and Wonder Inc., with its office at ___ (hereinafter called ABC) of the other part. WHEREAS, XYZ is the registered proprietor of the Trademark (hereinafter called the Trademark) particu..
서식 > 계약서 |
 플랜트수출계약서예시 ( 10Pages )
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this th day of , 2001 by and between (회사명),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, having its principal office at [지명자의 주소] (hereinafter referred to as COMPANY) and [판매점의 상호명칭],a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of [Distributors ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 [학습 지도안] 5)영어-6. I Get Up at Seven Every Day - 짧은 이야기를 듣고 내용을 이해하여 역활놀이 하기 ( 4Pages )
5)영어-6. I Get Up at Seven Every Day - 짧은 이야기를 듣고 내용을 이해하여 역활놀이 하기 결재 지도교사 협력교사 ( 영어 )과 교수-학습 과정안 초등학교 5학년 지도교사: 수 업 일 수업자 단 원 6. I Get Up at Seven Every Day 교과서 76-77 (5/6)차시 학습형태 개별 학습, 모둠 학습 수업모형 역할 놀이 수업 모형 학습주제 짧은 이야기를 듣고 내용을 이해하여 역할놀이 하기 학습자료 교사]..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 IT아웃소싱성공사례,IT아웃소싱효과및변화,IT아웃소싱성공요소및전략 ( 23Pages )
Contents IT 아웃소싱 개념 IT 아웃소싱 정의 IT 아웃소싱 효과 및 변화 IT 아웃소싱 응용분야 및 사업모델별 주요시장 국내 IT 아웃소싱 도입목적 국내 IT 아웃소싱 성공요소 및 전략 Part 01 IT 아웃소싱의 개념 영화배우 장동건씨는 헐리우드 진출을 위해 미국에 장기간 체류를 목적으로 체류하게 되었습니다. 거주지를 결정하기 위해서 장동건은 다음과 같은 사항들을 고려하고 있습니다. 영화사업을 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 창고계약서(WAREHOUSING AGREEMENT) ( 5Pages )
WAREHOUSING AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this day of ---,200--, by and between ABC Company, Ltd.,a Korean corporation with its principal office at ---(주소), (hereinafter referred to as ABC) and XYZ Corp.(상대방의 상호).A---(상대방의 국적) corporation with its principal office at ---(상대방의 주소) (hereinafter referred to as Company). WITNESSETH: W..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문-라이센스계약서1 ( 13Pages )
라이센스계약서1 영문판입니다. WHEREAS, SAM has been engaged mainly in the design, manufacture and sale of electric cables and industrial machineries and equipment, and WHEREAS, ABC is willing to grant and render such license and technical assistance to SAM ; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the aforesaid premises and mutual covenants herein contained, and intending to be..
서식 > 계약서 |
term Territory , Selling Price , Technical Information
 영문 라이센스계약서(LICENSE AGREEMENT) ( 16Pages )
LICENSE AGREEMENT(영문-라이센스계약서) WHEREAS, SAM has been engaged mainly in the design, manufacture and sale of electric cables and industrial machineries and equipment, and WHEREAS, ABC is willing to grant and render such license and technical assistance to SAM ; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the aforesaid premises and mutual covenants herein contained, and inte..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 특허및기술도입계약서 ( 12Pages )
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made and entered into this ___ by and between ABC CO, LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of Japan , with its principal place of business at (___), Japan(hereinafter referred to as ABC) and XYZCO., LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of the Republic of Korea, with its principal place of busines..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 기술이전계약서(제공, 도입) ( 9Pages )
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made and entered into this ___ by and between ABC CO, LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of Japan , with its principal place of business at ___, Japan(hereinafter referred to as ABC) and XYZ CO., LTD. duly organized and existing under the Laws of the Republic of Korea, with its principal place of busine..
서식 > 계약서 |
 OUR_MARKETING_PLAN___ ( 33Pages )
OUR MARKETING PLAN OUTLINE.. Part.1 Introduction to PUBEYES Part.2 Customer Market Analysis Part.4 Financial Forecast Part.3 Marketing Strategies Part.5 Mission Vision Conclusion Part.1 Introduction to PUBEYES RE-BRANDING Part.2 Customer and Market Analysis CURRENT SITUATION Inconvenient location Relatively less-preferred image Cold and uncomfortable chairs No unique tast..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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