전체 (검색결과 약 394개 중 13페이지)

 Cafe,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 17Pages )
Biz ProposalCafe the Way Overview STEP1 Business Definition is Providing Space, Interpersonal Informational Communication, came from the customer-oriented. It makes people connected by common subjects and sharing their interests so that they can reach the common intellectual goal in a limited space, ‘cafe’. STEP1 Define the Broad Product-Market Thinking process showing ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 인스턴트커피믹스브랜드,인스턴트커피,커피브랜드,커피믹스(영문판) ( 10Pages )
Well-being and Instant coffee Introduction Nowadays, Healthy physical and mental life which is committed to well-being is being considered significantly. Modern consumers are picking up a very choosy consumption pattern and they are getting more and more picky about food, clothes and houses. As the concept of well-being has been highly valued among modern people and caused ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [영문판]웅진씽크빅분석,유아교육,웅진씽크빅마케팅전략,웅진씽크빅기업분석 ( 20Pages )
[ Strategic Managemet ] Woongjin Thinkbig CONTENTS New Strategy 5 New Vision and Goals 4 1. Company Introduction Vision To be a Great company most people want to respect Launching Middle School Home materials Lecturing with both on-line off-line channels Entering E-Book Market 2. Vision and Goals - Consumer Characteristics - Strong consumer power - Dae gyo, Je noung, Gu mon..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 hyundaicard ( 38Pages )
In Korea, up to the first half of this year(2011) Its total amount = about 112,300,000 5 per Economically Active Population CREDIT CARD One of the most popular means of payment 1. Intro Credit Card Industry GOAL ‘Credibility’ between the PEOPLE and the COMPANY : Brand Image related to credibility of the corporation is a substantial factor when consumers choose credit cards. ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 현대자동차,현대자동차마케팅전략,현대자동차분석,영어마케팅,영문마케팅,영문마케팅사례,현대자동차영문마케팅 ( 34Pages )
HYUNDAI HYUNDAI Summary of Previous Analysis -Proposal 1) Why we choose Hyundai Motors 2) Expected Benefits -Analysis Stage I 1) External/Internal Environment 2) SWOT Analysis 3) Marketing - Analysis Stage II 1) Outcome from R D Operation’s IT + Automobile ↓ ‘Smart Car’ Motive for Selecting “Hyundai Motors” : Current existing IT market (getting bigger) Expected Benef..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 아파트광고,롯데캐슬,푸르지오,이편한세상,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 32Pages )
Advertising Psychology Consumer Behavior Apartment House Message Strategy Analysis Contents 1. About apartment brand 2. Analysis about ‘Lotte Castle’ 3. Analysis about ‘e-편한세상’ 4. Evaluation Proposal Why Apartment brand age … Increased income Increased desire about quality Apartment satisfied people’s desire In korea, APT means … Financial technology means Display ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 MOZALT_영문_ ( 18Pages )
S.T.A.R - Second Thirty After Retirement Program - -MOZALT- Contents 1. Change in population structure [자료:통계청 인구추계 피라미드] (measurement : %) Increasing pressure on personnel expenses following by salary step system Difficulty in passing down technologies and skills to younger people due to the deepen aging in labor forces Difficulty in learning new technology and..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 외식유형별이용성향에따른선택속성차이연구 ( 14Pages )
외식유형별 이용성향에 따른 선택속성 차이연구 - 가족외식과 직장외식을 중심으로- A Study on the Difference Selection Attributes in Customer's Behavior between Family and Business Dining-out 정광현*1) Jeong, Kwang-Hyun Abstract There is a notable change in Korea's food-service industry which are due to the increased GNP, women's advancement in the society, increased number of..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 중국철도 개황 ( 27Pages )
중국철도 개황 The People s Republic of China Contents 중국철도 소개 중국철도 소개 속도 -일반 열차: 200km/h 미만 -고속 열차:200~350km/h -상하이 Maglev Train:431km/h 중국철도 소개 총영업 노정: 78,000 km (network length) 총 track 길이: 154,600 km Standard gauge: 78,000km 1.435 m gauge (25,500km,32.7% 전기화 ; 27,100km 34.7% double track) (2007) Narrow gauge: 3,600km 0.75..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 MPR_ ( 44Pages )
1. Situation Analysis 2. Target Analysis 3. Objective 4. Concept Key message 5. Strategy Tactic 6. Time schedule 7. Evaluation CONTENTS Our assignment To make people come back to pencils and to boost pencil sales Situation Analysis Own investigation Q. What kind of writing tools do you use most 400 years ago, pencil was born 19th, Appearance mechanic pencil and fountain..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 올리브영 기업 경영전략과 마케팅믹스 7P전략 분석 / 올리브영 향후전략 제언 ( 7Pages )
1. 올리브영 소개 2. 올리브영의 핵심역량 3. 올리브영 제품수명주기 분석 4. 올리브영의 경영전략 5. 이벤트전략 6. 물류차별화 전략 7. 해외진출전략 8. 올리브영 마케팅믹스 7P전략 (1) Product (2) Price (3) Place (4) Promotion (5) Physical Evidence (6) Process (7) People 9. 향후전략 제언 올리브영 기업 경영전략과 마케팅믹스 7P전략 분석 / 올리브영 향후전략 제언 1. 올리브영 소개..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
CJ올리브영, cj, 코로나 올리브영, 드럭스토어, 랄라블라, 올리브영 유통, 올리브영 마케팅, 롭스, 매장레이아웃, 올리브영 큐레이션
 [CRM] CRM on Microsoft - A New Frontier for Enterprise Applications ( 33Pages )
CRM on Microsoft A New Frontier for Enterprise Applications 순서 Business Application & .NET CRM on Microsoft CRM을 위한 플랫폼 전략 CRM 솔루션과 .NET Siebel on .NET Smart Process 주요사례 요약 The Connected EnterpriseEverything Connected 비즈니스의 성공 :A Moving Target 새로운 IT 요구 :A Fluid Environment 성공 요소 : Business Agility Agility를 위한 전략 INDUSTRY Integrat..
비지니스 > 사례분석 |
 롯데월드 기업SWOT분석과 마케팅전략분석및 나의의견 ( 33Pages )
롯데월드 마케팅전략 [ 목차 ] 1. 롯데월드 기업소개 2. 테마파크 산업분석 3. 시장 상황 분석 1) COMPETITOR - 에버랜드 강점 약점 서비스 마케팅 2). COMPANY 3). CUSTOMER 4. SWOT 분석 (1) Strength 1) 365일 다양한 이벤트와 각종 제휴할인 2) 높은 접근성과 많은 유동인구 3) 계절이나 기후에 영향을 받지 않음 4) 롯데 계열사와 손쉬운 연계가능 (2) Weakness 1) 적은면적과 확장의 제한 2) 안..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 M_M_마케팅관리론_보고서,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 10Pages )
M M Communcations LG Tromm Styler Since the introduction of electronic gadgets, the life of humankinds has been in a full of convenience. Now, people do not just look for the convenience but also their life-value. White-product market is also going through this as well. Having a new household gadget does not anymore mean of a new convenience - it a representation of their li..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 경영이론의 변천(변화) 과정 ( 16Pages )
경영이론의 변천(변화) 과정 목차 * 경영이론의 변천 과정 Ⅰ. 합리성의 추구 1. 20세기 이전의 경영관리 2. 과학적 관리법 1) 계획과 집행의 분리 2) 과업관리 3) 기능식조직 3. 관료제 1) 등장배경 2) 합리적-합법적 모델 3) 관료제의 특징 4. 포디즘 1) 포드의 기업관 2) 포드시스템 3) 위기 Ⅱ. 인간성의 추구 1. 인간관계론 1) 이론의 개발 계기 2) 인간관계론의 의미 3) 비판 2. 행동과학 1) X..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
개념 정의설명, 특성 특징 중요성, 문제점 해결방안, 영향요인 실태분석, 비교분석 견해, 개선과제 개념이해, 연구방법 사례
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