리포트 > 경영/경제
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1. Situation Analysis
2. Target Analysis
3. Objective
4. Concept Key message
5. Strategy Tactic
6. Time schedule
7. Evaluation
Our assignment
To make people come back to pencils
and to boost pencil sales
Situation Analysis
Own investigation
Q. What kind of writing tools do you use most
400 years ago,
pencil was born
19th, Appearance mechanic pencil
and fountain pen
Commercialization of a ballpoint pen
Due to emergence of various writing tool, Pencil faced a crisis
Original Writing tool
I. Situation Analysis
Rapid growth
of Smartphone users
Release of digital devices
which is available to write down freely
Samsung ‘Galaxy Note’
Emergence of digital devices
which has various functions including writing tool
Digital devices
Apple ‘Ipad’
I. Situation Analysis
종이교과서와 연필 대신 디지털교과서와 태블릿PC, 스마트펜으로 대체된 스마트 러닝 교실.
매경포럼 [분필·책·연필이 사라진 교실] 2010. 1. 13
Digital devices are replacing role of original writing tool
As new writing tool
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