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1. 국제무역(영문).hwp
2. 국제무역(영문).pdf
C o n t e n t s

1. International Trade ---------------------------P 1 ~ 2

1. Concept of International Trade
2. Characteristic of International Trade
3. Conditions of contract and Insurance in Trade
4. Insurance

2. Marine Insurance------------------------------P 3

1. Concept of Marine Insurance
2. Type of Marine Insurance

3. Lloyd s of London-----------------------------P 4 ~ 5

1. Lloyd s of London
2. Members and Characteristic in Lloyd s of London
3. Crisis and Present Condition of Lloyd s of London
4. Reform of Lloyd s of London

4. Lloyd s Policy and Institute Cargo CIause--------P 6 ~ 8

1. Concept of Lloyd s Policy and ICC
2. Perils Covered and Collateral in Lloyd s Policy and ICC
3. Excepted Perils and Exception Clauses

1. International Trade

1. Concept of International Trade

It is foreign transactions with foreign country. It also called foreign trade, oversea trade, international trade, and world trade.

영문서류(영문이력서 대상, 우수상 및 각종영문.. 무역 영문견적서
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영문 무역물품매도확약서 고용 계약서 (영문)
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경제학 - FTA의 총정리 무역회사 계약서(영문)
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