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1. 터키,터키사회문화.pptx
2. 터키,터키사회문화.pdf
Case study of Turkey
Turkey! Here we go!!
About Turkey
Country: Republic of Turkey
Capital city: Ankara
Location: Near Greek, Iran, Iraq and Black sea
People: Around 74,709 thousands
Religion: Islam(more than 98%)
Language: Turkey, Arabic
Climate: Mediterranean climate, an island
Political: parliamentary government
Introduction of Turkey
Close from Europe.
Work force- Inexpensive and plentiful .
]] Base of Europe market’s
Can connect Europe, Central Asia,
The middle East.
]] strategy points of
Try to make more relationships with others because of new markets of blue oceans.

Economy Trend
Trade Trend(Export)
Trade Trend(Import)
Korea Turkey
Relationships about Trade and Invest
]]Turkey has 32nd (Export), 51st(Import) **the basis line is Korea
Current state of Trade
Current state of Trade
Korea to Turkey
Current state of Investment
Turkey has 67th(Korea’s investment main agent) ,12nd(Korea’s investment target)
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