나의미래계획영작하기 모음(My future plan.)
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나의미래계획영작하기 모음(My future plan.)
1. 나의 미래 계획 영작하기 모음(My future p..
2. 나의 미래 계획 영작하기 모음(My future p..
나의 미래 계획 영작하기 모음(My future plan.)
나의 미래 계획 영작하기(My future plan.)

1.사회복지사 미래계획서 영작


I have felt proud of my parenents from my chilhood since they were social worker.

Therefore, I have been thought that I also have a same job with them.

It would be a nice job to serve the others in the community even after I grown up.

I wish I could enter the social welfare Department after graduated from high school.
I will attend community social service and get a certificate of qualification after complete my college.

I around my 30s, I d like to build a non-profit facility just like my parents constructed the House of Hope for poor needy persons.

And after I get married I want to talk about the occupation of social worker to my children.

Even my 40s and 50s, I want to live while I performing this service activities continuously.

I want to be a good mommy to my kid as I become a respectable person who is dedicate myself to the social service activities.


나의 부모님이 사회복지사인데 어렸을때부터 부모님이 매우 자랑스러웠다.

나의 미래 계획 영작하기
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