논항관계와 문법성에 대한 연구
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논항관계와 문법성에 대한 연구
논항관계와 문법성에 대한 연구

Kwon, Kyeong Won. 2008. A Study on the Argument Relation and Grammaticality. The Journal of Studies in Language 24.3, 451-471. The relationship among arguments has something to do with difference in meaning and sometimes grammaticality. In this paper I observed the relationship among subject argument, direct object argument and the object of prepositional phrase based on verbs. As a result this paper shows the followings. (1) While direct object argument has been directly, widely and physically influenced by subject argument, the object of PP has been indirectly, partially and abstractly influenced by subject argument because of distance. (2) Some transitive verbs allow alternation between direct object NP and prepositional phrase NP, but others do not. Alternation between them bring about difference in meaning and sometimes ungrammaticality. (3) These grammatical phenomena could be accounted for by prominent feature of verbs. (Mokwon University)

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