전체 (검색결과 약 736개 중 28페이지)

 리 현상의 원인에 대한 이론적인 고찰 ( 20Pages )
리“현상의 원인에 대한 이론적인 고찰 Three possibilities of the causes of Lee's phenomenon on the scale of walleye pollock based on the 1,045 specimens from the Bering Sea and the Sea of Japan were examined by the indices of intensity of Lee's phenomenon(I=1.349 d/s). The factors of artificial handling error, selective fishing mortality, and biassed sampling were taken into c..
논문 > 자연과학분야 |
 영문 기본구매계약서 ( 13Pages )
BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of day of , 1992. BETWEEN : (1) ABC Co., Ltd a Japanese corporation, acting through its Construction Machinery Division, having its principal place of business at World Trade Center Building, 00, 000 2chomp, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan( hereinafter referred to as ABC ). (2) XYZ Co., Ltd a Korean corporation, having..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 플랜트 계약서(Supply Agreement) ( 14Pages )
SUPPLY AGREEMENT This Supply Agreement (the Agreement) is made and entered into this ____day ___ by and between ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of having its registered office at___ (Purchaser) and ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea having its registered office at ____ (Supplier). WITNESSETH: W..
서식 > 계약서 |
 무역_계약서13 ( 2Pages )
독점판맨계약(Exclusive Sales Contract) 영문판입니다. Exclusive Sales Contract An exclusive sales contract has been entered into June 25, 20 between the Korea Exporting Co.,C.P.O. Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the American Importing Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions. 1..
서식 > 계약서 |
quote, marine insurance, claims
 Ferrari,페라리,spa,마케팅사례,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 42Pages )
FERRARI S.P.A. Una famosa societa italiana Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Marketing Mix. 3. SWOT Analysis. 4. STP Analysis. 5. Competitor Analysis. 6. Competitive Environment. 7. Conclusion. What Is Ferrari Introduction Introduction of Ferrari Industry : Automotive Products : Sports cars Founded : 1947 (historical 1929) Founder : Enzo Ferrari Parent : Fiat Group Ferrari is a..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 무역계약서( 영문) ( 6Pages )
에이전시 계약서 (영문) 작성 서식입니다. AGENCY AGREEMENT 본 계약서 Sample은 한국무역대리점 협회에서 표준 계약서로서 추천하는 것이나, 완벽한 것이라고는 할 수 없는 만큼 필요에 따라 적절히 수정하여 사용할 필요있음. 한국기업이 해외의 특정인에게 Agentship을 주고자 할 경우도 본 Sample을 참조하여 영문계약서 작성요령에 따라 작성할 수 있을 것임. 그러나 곳곳에서 매끄럽지 못한 표현..
서식 > 계약서 |
에이전시, 계약서, 영문
TECHNICAL MATERIALS SALES AGREEMENT 도면 등 유형적 기술자료의 매매에 관한 계약서임. 도면등의 유형적 자료는 L/C방식 등에 의하여 수출입이 자유로우나, 일반적인 상품의 매매와는 그 성격이 다르므로 계약서에 규정될 사항들도 다르게 마련임. 또 자세한 계약서 없이 P/O등의 간단한 서류만으로도 거래가 가능하긴 하나, 기술자료의 거래를 둘러싼 제반 문제점들을 보다 명확히 규정해 두는 편이 바..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 매매계약서(sales agreement) ( 12Pages )
SALES AGREEMENT This Agreement(Agreement)is made this [1st] day of [March, 1997] by and between [ABC Corp.], with its registered office at [140, West 51st Street, New York, N.Y.,U.S.A.] (Buyer) and [HAN KOOK Co., Ltd.], with its registered office at [159, Samsung-dong, kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea](Seller): WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to purchase from t..
서식 > 계약서 |
 [한국GM-디자인부문영문합격자기소개서]한국GM자기소개서,GM합격자기소개서,한국GM자소서,GM합격자소서,cover latter자기소개서,자소서,입사지원서 ( 5Pages )
[한국GM영문합격자기소개서 ] [한국GM-디자인부문영문합격자기소개서]한국GM자기소개서,GM합격자기소개서,한국GM자소서,GM합격자소서,cover latter자기소개서,자소서,입사지원서 목 차 [ 영문이력서 ] [ Cover Latter ] [ 한국GM 대표브랜드 ] [ 한국GM 기업개요 ] [ 지원분야 예상 면접 기출문제 ] [ 영문이력서 ] [ Cover Latter ] Dear Human Resourse Administrator at GM KOREA ....
서식 > 자기소개서 |
 이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 영향 ( 6Pages )
이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 영향 The Study on Sound Subject Accomplishment by Earphone sealed Volume Abstract This study was aimed to understand the effects of earphone sealed and volume on while do Sound Subject Accomplishment. we make a some hypothesis. Because unearth, this variable are connect occur hard of hearing. setting up six subjects were ..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 [영문판]케라시스마케팅전략,케라시스분석,케라시스기업분석 ( 29Pages )
KERASYS IDENTITY GOLDILER The combination of: GOLDILOCKS (a person, esp. a girl with light blond hair) + ER (a person or thing that performs a specified action) NEW NAME OF TEAM G 01 Overview of Kerasys company 03 Kerasys product 04 SWOT 05 4Ps/STP Goldiler 02 Shampoo market CONTENTS 06 Conclusion Kerasys Company -Affiliated company of AKYUNG -Kerasys = keratin + care+ sy..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [영문판]롯데시네마,CGV,영화관비교분석,롯데시네마분석,CGV분석,씨지브이 ( 22Pages )
Introduction - Lotte Cinema - CGV CGV - Core Process - Competitive priority Lotte Cinema - Core Process - Competitive priority Service blueprint Conclusion Contents 1999. 9 Fonudation Lotte Shopping Co., Ltd. Cinema headquarter 1999. 10 First opening of Lotte Cinema in Ilsan We always with customers (언제나 고객과 함께) Major HISTORY Providing high quality movie ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영시 Because I could not stop for Death ( 3Pages )
영시 Because I could not stop for Death -Emily Dickinson 1. 원문 Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson Because I could not stop for Death-- He kindly stopped for me-- The Carriage held but just Ourselves-- And Immortality. We slowly drove--He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility-- We passed the School, where Children..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 지리레포트 ( 13Pages )
What we study about this project is Tourism web. On tourism web, we can reserve hotel in Chile for just One Click! Web generally affects many divisons like democracy, economic, cultural society… and also tourism! So as we major in hospitality area, we must know about tourism web. Our team research about Expedia, Kayak, Thomas Cook, sustainable tourism and Lindblad-Expedition...
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 Enron,Enron기업분석,Enron분석,엔론,엔론분석 ( 21Pages )
Enron Case OUTLINE Introduction Background Financial Reporting Issues Mark-to-Market Accounting Off-the-Books Entities Relatives and Doing Business Discussion INTRODUCTION Incorporated in Oregon in 1985 World’s largest energy company (2001) In Fortune Magazine’s 100 best companies to work for Downgraded company’s debt to ‘junk’ grade and Enron files for bankruptcy (2001) Enr..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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