전체 (검색결과 약 9,708개 중 18페이지)

 영문 이력서 1 ( 25Pages )
영문 이력서 예1 Personal History Person Data -Name in full : Gil-Dong Hong -Date of Birth : May, 5, 1962 -Present Address : 123-45, Sadang-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul -Sex : Male Education -Feb, 1981 Graduated HaeSeong High School, Seoul -Mar, 1982 Entered College of Business Administration, HanGang University -Aug, 1988 Graduated same with B.A. degree in business Administaratio..
서식 > 외국어서식 |
 영문 화해계약서(분쟁초기)(Settlement Agreement) ( 2Pages )
Settlement Agreement(분쟁초기) This Settlement Agreement (the Settlement Agreement) is made and entered into as of this () day of (), 200-- by and between Seller Corp.(the Seller),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea,, having its principal office at ---(Seller의 주소) and Buyer Inc.(the Buyer),a corporation duly organized and ex..
서식 > 계약서 |
 TheLottery ( 18Pages )
1. 원문 The Lottery by Shirley Jackson The Lottery The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o clock; in some towns there were so many people that th..
정보/기술 > 기타 |
정보, 기타
 Ozymandias ( 3Pages )
1.원문 Ozymandias I met a traveller from an antique land Who said---Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them,..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 위탁가공무역계약서 ( 2Pages )
<위탁가공무역계약서 예시> CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT This contract is made and enters into on .. 2000 by and between (hereinafter referred to as A) and (hereinafter referred to as B) Article 1 (Products and Processing Charge) Items Unit Spec. Quantity Unit Charge Total Amount B processes and delivers the finished product to A on the basis of the following Consignment ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 [재고관리] 재고관리의 목적, 경제적 주문량 모형, Just in time(저스트인타임)제도 ( 7Pages )
[재고관리] 재고관리의 목적, 경제적 주문량 모형, Just in time(저스트인타임)제도 목차 재고관리 Ⅰ. 재고관리의 목적 Ⅱ. 경제적 주문량 모형 Ⅲ. Just in Time 제도 재고관리 I. 재고관리의 목적 재고(inventory)란 생산 활동이나 판매활동을 위해 기업이 일시적으로 보유하고 있는 원자재(raw materials), 재공품(work in process), 완제품...(이하 생략)
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
개념 정의, 특성 특징 중요성, 문제점해결방안, 영향요인, 개선과제
 [일반화학실험] Phosphate Contamination in Water ( 2Pages )
[일반화학실험] Phosphate Contamination in Water 1. Abstract Introduction 정량분석은 화학에서 매우 중요한 도구이다. 정량 분석에서 측정 대상으로는 질량, 부피 등이 있는데, 각각에 맞는 측정 도구가 있다. 이번 실험에서는 새로운 측정 대상인 색깔을 스펙트로스코피를 통해 정량적으로 측정해보고 이를 통해 Beer s Law를 확인해 본다. ....
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 Arthur Andersen in the Enron Case,에론,Enron ( 17Pages )
Arthur Andersen in theEnron Case Contents Introduction of Arthur Andersen Arthur Andersen in Enron Case Consequences of Enron Case Lessons from Enron Case Introduction of Arthur Andersen One of “Big Five” Accounting Firms Founded by Arthur Andersen, 1913 Supporter of Integrity of independent audits ↑Reputation for honesty, integrity, ethics Introduction of Arthur Ander..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [현황자료] Internet Usage Statistics in Korea ( 19Pages )
Internet Usage Statistics in Korea Introduction to the Survey Fieldwork dates 2003. 6. 16. 20 (20 days) Sample Size Households :7,117 households Individuals : 20,227 persons Population Households : 14,311,014 Population : 42,168,811(Year 2000 Census) Sample Eligibility Households : Households in sample districts Individuals : Family members aged 6 or older Data Collection Fac..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
 관광지질학 - 오덴 발트 자연 공원 [독일 - odenwald geopark in Germany] ( 10Pages )
odenwald geopark in Germany . Odenwald 독일 남서부에 있는 고지. 길이 80km 너비 40km 해발고도 400-500m. 서쪽은 라인지구대, 북쪽은 마인강으로 끊겨있다. 또한 서부는 화강암과 편마암. 엽 활엽수림 무성. *라인지구대:중부유럽 라인강에 에 위치하는 280km의 지구대. . ....
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 영문 추천장 ( 1Pages )
RECOMMENDATION Dear Admissions Director; I am very pleased to recommend Mr. to your graduate program in architectural design. I first met him in design studio in 1990. Since then, I have been in close contact with him. ...
서식 > 생활서식 |
 Application Form for Tax Reduction or Exemption,Application Form in regards to a Change in the Content of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 2Pages )
[Form No. 80] (01.3.28. 개정) Foreign Investment □Application Form for Tax Reduction or Exemption □Application Form in regards to a Change in the Content of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Foreign Investor ①Name ②Nationality ③Name of the Foreign Invested Enterprise ④Business Registration No. Content of Foreign Investment ⑤Busine..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 in Organizations"" target="_blank">Amabile, T. "The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations" ( 10Pages )
조직행동론 논문인 Amabile, T. "The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations" 의 번역본입니다.
논문 > 사회과학분야 |
 신소재공학실험 - The effect of Manganese in carbon steel ( 5Pages )
Title (The effect of Manganese in carbon steel.) 1. Purpose. The effect of Manganese in carbon steel. 2. Theory. 2.1 Polishing. Polishing is the process of creating a smooth and shiny surface by rubbing it or using a chemical action, leaving a surface with significant specular reflection and minimal diffuse reflection. When the surface is magnified thousands of times, it us..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
E.E.C ENGLISH PROGRAM IN KOREA Application Form Please follow the application form instruction 1. Name : Last Attach a passport size photo taken within last six months First Middle Initial 2. Date of Birth : year 19 month day 3. Gender : □M □F 4. Marital Status : □S □M □E 5. Place of Birth : City(State) Country 6. A)Ci..
서식 > 학교서식 |
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