전체 (검색결과 약 291개 중 14페이지)

 ChannelFiring ( 5Pages )
1.원문 Channel Firing That night your great guns, unawares, Shook all our coffins as we lay, And broke the chancel window-squares, We thought it was the Judgement-day And sat upright. While drearisome Arose the howl of wakened hounds: The mouse let fall the altar-crumb, The worms drew back into their mounds, The glebe-cow drooled. Till God called, No; It's gunnery practic..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 영문 사후관리계약서예제(AFTER-SERVICE AGREEMENT) ( 5Pages )
AFTER-SERVICE AGREEMENT (사후관리계약서) This Agreement made and entered into this ___ day of ___, 20__ by and between ABC Co., Ltd.,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having its principal office of business at ___ Guroo-Dong, Jin-Gu, Seoul 150-721, the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as ABC and ___,a corporation org..
서식 > 계약서 |
 수입판매대리점계약서 ( 6Pages )
(수입판매대리점계약서 예시) DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and enter into this day of 20 by and between ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of with its principal place of business at (주소) ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(“Korea”) with its regist..
서식 > 계약서 |
 판매기본 계약서(sales note) ( 1Pages )
3th Ongjung bldg. 778-18 Kang Nam, Kang Nam Ku,16 Seoul, Korea TEL:+82+2+1234+4125 FAX:+82+2+1234+4523 E-mail:www.aaa.com DATE April 21, 2004 REF# 200421-3 TO ○○○ Inc. ATTN John J. Williams/President FAX 122+145+1474 TEL 122+145+1475 E-mail http://www.rrr.com Dear ○○○ SALES NOTE We have hte pleasure to confirm our Sales Note 2004 of the following commodity on..
서식 > 계약서 |
 The Korea Commercial Arbitration Board ( 1Pages )
The Korea Commercial Arbitration Board 43RD.FLOOR. TRADE TOWER (KOREA WORLD TRADE CENTER) 159, SAMSUNG-DONG. KANGNAM-KU.SEOUL 138-789, KOREA Trade Center P.O. Box 50, CABLE ARBITRATION TEL : 5512000-19, FAX : (02)551-2020 To : THE Korean Commercial Arbitration Board REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION 1. Full Names and Addresses of Parties: (1) Claimant : Name of Corporation ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 Dear Mr. Mon ( 1Pages )
BIZ COMPANY, INC. 190 Bridge Road INDIANA, IP 12345 June 12, 19XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Dear Mr. Mon I just now heard about the accident. It was such a relief to learn that you came out of it with relatively minor damage even though your car was completely totaled. (I know you could argue with me about that minor bit.) You'll have to tell me all about how it..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 영문 독점계약서2 ( 7Pages )
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement(this Agreement ) is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of with its principal place of business at 주소,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea (Korea ) with its registered head office at , Korea (the Man..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 영문 대리점계약서 ( 5Pages )
Agency Agreement This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea with its principal place of business at 159 Samsung-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea and [Y Co., Ltd.](“Company”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of [the state of New Yor..
서식 > 계약서 |
 휴스턴 랭즈의 작품 -길에서-의 한 부분 ( 4Pages )
He was not interested in the snow. When he got off the freight, one early evening during the depression, Sargeant never even noticed the snow. But he must have felt it seeping down his neck, cold, wet, sopping in his shoes. But if you had asked him, he wouldn't have known it was snowing. Sargeant didn't see the snow, not even under the bright lights of the main street, fallin..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 판매점계약서(대리) ( 11Pages )
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this [first day of July, 1999] by and between [X Inc.],a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having its principal office at [159, Samsung-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, The Republic of Korea](hereinafter referred to as Manufacturer) and [Y Co., Ltd.],a corporation duly o..
서식 > 계약서 |
 스마트신발,스마트제품,나이키스마트신발,아이폰과연계한나이키신발,스마트사례,스마트제품영문판 ( 22Pages )
Run! more Smartly Nike + iPod iPhone contents What is Nike+ How to use Nike+ What IT used in Nike+ Effect of Nike+ Strength of Nike+ Reference What is Nike+ Helps you track your -Distance -Pace -Time -Calories burn while you run -You can send your run’s record on Nike+ online. -You can set goals, join challenges and connect with friends in the Nike+ community. What is Nike+..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [LS산전자기소개서] LS산전 자기소개서 예문 -LS산전합격자기소개서(LS산전합격자소서) -LS그룹 LS산전 공채 입사지원서(LS산전신입자기소개서) ( 2Pages )
LS산전 합격 자기소개서 예문 LS산전에 대해 철저하게 분석하여 퇴고과정을 거쳐 공들여 쓴 자기소개서 입니다. 지난 몇 년간 합격자들의 자기소개서를 참고하여 몇 번의 수정을 거쳤습니다. 또 기업기념과 인재상을 고려하여 이목을 끌만한 단어들로 구성하도록 노력했습니다. 인터넷에 떠도는 진부한 자료와는 격이 다른 예문입니다. 반드시 합격하시길 기원합니다. 1. 본인이 LS산전에 적합한 인재라고 ..
서식 > 자기소개서 |
LS산전자기소개서, LS산전 자소서, LS그룹, LS산전, 자기소개서, 이력서, 입사지원서, 자소서
 기계공작 - TIG 용접 결과 ( 3Pages )
․ 실험제목 : TIG 용접 ․ 안전수칙 ① 실습에 알맞은 용접복장을 구비.(장갑, 앞치마, 팔 덮개 등) ② 용접기의 절연상태를 확실히 점검. ③ 홀더의 손잡이가 벗겨지지 않았나 점검. ④ 접지(eaeth)선의 접촉상태가 확실한지 점검. ⑤ 홀더와 용접대의 절연상태를 점검. ⑥ 모재 표면의 녹이나 습기를 완전히 제거. ⑦ 모재에 따라 적당한 전류를 선정. ⑧ 용접봉은 항상 건조되어 있어야 한다. ⑨ 용접봉의 항상 건..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 마케팅 원론 ( 29Pages )
BAT KOREA Children of Kotler 2003년 1학기 마케팅원론 기말발표 Contents 1. 중간 발표 요약 2. STP분석 3. 4P 분석 기업개요 산업현황 SWOT분석 01 중간발표 기업개요 BAT KOREA 세계 시장에서 2.5%의 시장 점유율 (8위) 2001. 담배판매량 989억 1700만 개비 판매 금액 6조 3100억원 1988. 7. 담배 시장 개방 1989. 수입 담배 시장 점유율 4.6% 1997. 11.2% 외환위기→ 4.6%(1998) 2002. 1/4..
비지니스 > 컨설팅/마케팅 |
 던힐의 한국 마케팅 경영 전략 분석 ( 29Pages )
BAT KOREA Children of Kotler 1학기 마케팅원론 기말발표 Contents 1. 발표 요약 2. STP분석 3. 4P 분석 기업개요 산업현황 SWOT분석 01 중간발표 기업개요 BAT KOREA 세계 시장에서 2.5%의 시장 점유율 (8위) 2001. 담배판매량 989억 1700만 개비 판매 금액 6조 3100억원 1988. 7. 담배 시장 개방 1989. 수입 담배 시장 점유율 4.6% 1997. 11.2% 외환위기→ 4.6%(1998) 2002. 1/4분기 수입 담..
비지니스 > 컨설팅/마케팅 |
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