전체 (검색결과 약 403개 중 13페이지)

 [발표과제] 풍력 발전의 미래 ( 32Pages )
풍력 발전의 미래 INDEX 서론 국내 풍력 발전 보급 현황 국외 풍력 발전 보급 현황 풍력 발전 원리 및 구조 앞으로의 추세 결론 1. 서론 왜 풍력발전인가 화석 연료의 고갈에 대한 두려움→“에너지의 무기화” 무한한 에너지원 유가의 급등, 기후변화 협약 규제 친환경적 에너지원 지역 에너지원으로의 유리함 2. 국내 풍력 발전 보급 현황 국내 풍력에너지 잠재량 잠재량 :1,069 TWh/year ..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 대한민국과네덜란드국간의이중과세방지협약적용대상거주자증명신청서 ( 2Pages )
210㎜×297㎜(신문용지 54g/㎡) 【별지 제1호 서식】 발급번호 Issuing Number 대한민국과 네덜란드국간의 이중과세방지협약 적용대상 거주자 증명신청서 Application for the certification of resident for the purpose of double taxation convention between the Republic of Korea and the Netherlands. 1. 소득자 Beneficiary ①주소 Address ②상호 Name of company ③성명 Name ④사업자등록..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 외국인등록신청서 ( 1Pages )
[별지 제64호서식] 외국인등록신청서 ─── APPLICATION FOR ALIEN REGISTRATION ○○출입국관리사무소장 TO : Chief, ○○Immigration Office ┏━━━┯━━━┯━━━┓ ┃성명 및 성별│ (성 Surname) (名 Given names) □남│국적┃ ┃│M│ Nationality ┃ ┃Name in Full│ □여│┃ ┃and Sex │漢字名()F│┃ ┃├───┤┃ ┃ │Official Use │┃ ┠───┴┬───┬───┬───┤┃ ┃국적 │생년월일 │출생지 │직업 │
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi ( 4Pages )
영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi 해석본입니다^^ 영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi 해석본입니다^^ The average lifespan of Koreans continues to rise, according to the 2008 Korean Health Data Report issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). OECD에서 발행된 2008년 한국인 건강 자료 보고에 따르면 한국인들의 평균수명은 계속 ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
영어1 2과 Uniqueness of, Korean Cuisine, Kimchi, 김치, 영어 해석
 어린왕자 ( 48Pages )
Chapter 1 Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing. In the book it said: Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sl..
초중고 생활/교육 > 독후감/감상문 |
독후감, 감상문
 영문 자기 소개서222 ( 2Pages )
With this letter I would like to present my whole ambition for a new job in your company Self- Presentation Letter-Why should she live a struggle life You may have an inquiry with upper my subtitle-why should she live a struggle life A couple of years ago , one survey was reported that many of the successful business woman who had more or less struggle nature was inclined to..
서식 > 자기소개서 |
자기소개서, 자소서
 조달청국외등록신청 ( 2Pages )
등록신청서 (Application for Registration) 【별지 제4호 서식】 수신 : 대한민국 조달청장(To: Administrator, S.A.R.O.K) (전) 등록번호 [ (previous) SAROK Reg. No] 상사명 (Name of Firm) 사업자등록번호 (Taxpayer ID No.) 대표자명 (Name of Chief Executive) 주민등록번호 (ID No. of Chief Executive) 상사주소 (Address of Firm) 전화번호(Tel. No.) Fax 번호(Fax No.) 업태 (Type of..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 아시아나 ( 51Pages )
Asiana Airlines Index 1.7P 2.Gap Analysis 4.Servqual 5.Fairness Case 6.Service Innovation 7.Demand 8.Pricing 9.Conclusion 3.Customer Behavior and 1.7P Chapter 1 and 7P and 7P PRODUCT Reservation service In-Flight service Airport service and 7P The 24 hours service PLACE and 7P PRICE Price competitiveness Flexible price and 7P PEOPLE The Asiana airline won the prize in the..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 어법노트 ( 119Pages )
수능어법문제를 문장형식으로 정리하여 문제속에 숨어있는 어법을 빨리 풀는 연습하는데 효과적인 자료입니다. 해당문제들에 대한 유형별 정리로 다시보기에 효과적입니다. 1. 문장전체파악 2. 동사가 답이다 3. 준동사 1. William Kamkwamba [left / leaving] school at 14 as his family was unable to pay the school fees, but that didn’t stop him from doing something remarkable. 2. O..
초중고 생활/교육 > 고등교육 |
영문법, 수능, 어법, 영어, 문제, 정리, 노트
 실용영어리포트 ( 7Pages )
실용 영어 이름 : 학번 : 분반 : 53P To the Editor. Many thanks for Edward Gasset's excellent article Ups & Downs of Marketing On-Line (June 18 issue). The article was of particular interest to me because I recently launched a new import/export business which uses on-line marketing to generate international sales. Before reading Mr. Gasset' article, I thought I wa..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 자기소개1(forinternetposting) ( 22Pages )
자기 소개 1 (for internet posting) Hello. My name is Eun-Joo Chung, but my friends call me E.J. The reason I'm putting up this letter is because I'd like to make friends all over the world. I want to travel as I get older so I'm really interested in the cultures and people in other countries. And basically, I just want to make good friends. If anyone out there is intereste..
서식 > 자기소개서 |
 축산물검역신청서 ( 1Pages )
No 194. 234 축산물검역신청서 (APPLICATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTS QUARANTINE) 국립수의과학검역원장 귀하 To Director of Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service 종류 (Type of products) 포장수량및포장형태 (Type and Number of packages) 중량 (Weight) 보내는사람성명및주소 (Name & Address of consignor) 받는사람성명및주소 (Name & Address of consignee) 탑재선 또는 항공기명 (Name o..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT(Employment Agreement ) made and entered into this 1st day of October, 1974, by and between Kanto G.T Kabushiki Kaisha(Employer),a Japanese stock company, and M.SAKAMAKI(Employee ). WITNESSETH THAT : WHEREAS, Employer has agreed to acquire certain assets of Kanto G.T., pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement (the Agreeme..
서식 > 계약서 |
 태양초고추장-기업소개,경영분석,마케팅 ( 19Pages )
EXPORT BUSINESS PLAN RED PEPPER PASTE 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXPORT BUSINESS PALN GOCHUJANG INTRODUCTION International Direct Selling Company Global Business Opportunity Fastest Growing Companny Worldwide Financial Background (Annual capital budget of $35,000.) 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXPORT BUSINESS PALN GOCHUJANG Increase company sales by five percent Participat..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 서울우유,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 20Pages )
Becoming Hwangjinyi CONTENTS . Selected reasons and introduce to [Seoul Milk] Ⅱ . Environment analysis Ⅲ . Marketing strategy Ⅳ . Future prospects and the expected effects Ⅴ . Reference . Selected reasons and introduce to [Seoul Milk] 1. Why does Group 8 select Seoul Milk Cooperative a. One of the issue companies in this year Seoul Milk writing the date of manufactur..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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