전체 (검색결과 약 1,862개 중 13페이지)

 Self-Assessment Form & Action Plan ( 3Pages )
Self-Assessment Form & Action Plan Please indicate which one of the above referral agencies you would like to use: ___ First/Last Name: ___ 1. Why are you interested in being self-employed (Check the three most important points, in order of priority 1, 2, 3) To be my own boss To be independent To work irregular hours To work at home To work i..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 [학습 지도안] 2)영어-To describe personal appearance - big, small, long, short, tall, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, ( 4Pages )
2)영어-To describe personal appearance - big, small, long, short, tall, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, (영어)과 교수-학습 과정안 결재 지도교사 협력교사 초등학교 2 학년 지도교사: 1. Lesson Plan Unit Grade 5 Date 11.6.9 Topic To describe personal appearance Period 1/6 Class time 40 minute Teaching Method Task-based Approach Activities listening and Repeating Practicing Obj..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 TheMist ( 3Pages )
1.원문 The Mist I am the mist, the impalpable mist, Back of the thing you seek. My arms are long, Long as the reach of time and space. Some toil and toil, believing, Looking now and again on my face, Catching a vital, olden glory. But no one passes me, I tangle and snare them all. I am the cause of the Sphinx, The voiceless, baffled, patient Sphinx. I was at the first of..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 영어인형극_심술이의마음 ( 9Pages )
Tom's mind (나오는 인형) 1. Tom 2,Betty 3,Teacher 4, Devil of greed 5, Devil of fight 6, Devil of lie 7, Jesus Once upon a time there was a trouble-maker whose name was Tom. He was dirty and bad boy. Everyday He used to make troubles for his friends. One day Tom was in front of a church. He was thinking how to give them a big trouble. Tom: (갑자기 튀어나오며)Hum! ..
문화예술 > 종교/초자연 |
정보, 기타
 영문서신(유보되었던판매권의재신청) ( 2Pages )
영문서신(유보되었던 판매권의 재신청) October 27, 19… INTEC Instruments, Ltd 4709 North Ingram Avenue Fresno, California 93650 U.S.A. Gentlemen : I would like to refer to your letter of May 2, 19‥‥ in which our company together with the Brazilian Central Trade & Invest-ment Co. was being considered for the distributorship of INTEC products in Brazil. A great ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 토익 기출어휘 대탐험 ( 21Pages )
토익에 자주 등장하는 기출어휘들을 중심으로 공부하면서 단어 공부하는 시간을 아끼고자한다. 시험치기전 꼭 한번 읽고 가야할 매우 유용한 기출어휘 단어집. 001. The emergency equipment is tested (frequently) to ensure that it is in good condition test ~ frequently: ~를 빈번하게 테스트하다 Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women. 002. All partic..
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
토익, 단어, 숙어, 어휘
 영문 제안서 ( 1Pages )
PROPOSAL (영문 제안서) [예문1] 000 Ltd. March 21, 2001 000B/D 0F 000 Yangjung 0 dong JinGu Busan. Korea Attn ; Mr. 000 Managing Director Subject ; Basic terms & conditions of technical collaboration for manufacture and sales of the Drying Cylinders. Dear Mr. 000, Regarding the captioned subject already discussed during your last visit to our office on March ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 제안서 ( 1Pages )
PROPOSAL (영문 제안서) [예문1] 000 Ltd. March 21, 2001 000B/D 0F 000 Yangjung 0 dong JinGu Busan. Korea Attn ; Mr. 000 Managing Director Subject ; Basic terms & conditions of technical collaboration for manufacture and sales of the Drying Cylinders. Dear Mr. 000, Regarding the captioned subject already discussed during your last visit to our office on March 7, 2001, we a..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 영문 학술세미나초청장 ( 2Pages )
THE 4th ABC THERMAL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ABC, Japan Oct.16, 2000 Tsuyoshi NAKAJIMA Conference CoChairman ABC University, Japan Hyun Dong SHIN Conference CoChairman ABC, Korea Nobuyuki TAKENAKA Secretary General (JSME) ABC University, Japan Hong Kil Dong Secretary General (KSME) ABC, Korea PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mamoru OZAWA Chief of Organizers (JSME)..
서식 > 외국어서식 |
 Letter[Car Free Day Campaign] ( 1Pages )
Letter [Car Free Day Campaign] Dear Councillor : I am writing to support the City's Recommendations that Seoul invest in a major Car Free Day event for 20 . I understand this includes a broad public outreach and consultation campaign, support for local community celebrations and most importantly, a signature event in downtown Seoul on ,, 20 . I support the open..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 [레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future trends on hardwaresoftware codesigns ( 8Pages )
컴퓨터 구조 및 설계 [차례] 1. The future trends on hardware/software codesigns 2. The most profitable and promising system that adapts HW/SW codesign concept. 3. A project proposal for your successful venture business on the application system you have chosen in 2) 4. 참고문헌 Suppose that you are going to start a new venture business in the field of hardware/software c..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
STRATEGIC PLANNING CHECKLIST A strategic planning meeting should be held on an annual basis, if not more frequent. The meeting should include all executive managers as well as any key supervisors with front-line knowledge and experience. A copy of the business plan should be present at the meeting so it can be referred to when needed. Keep in mind the intent of the meeting..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 [고급영작문교육론] 영작문 지도법[교수법] ( 5Pages )
영작문 교수법 If you have teaching experiences in writing, spend a few minutes to reflect on your own experiences as writing teacher. A. What are the most important things you want students to learn from your classes 말을 한다는 것, 하나의 언어를 습득한다는 것은 단순한 활동이 아니라 자신의 생각이나 의도를 효율적으로, 또 체계적으로 배워야 하기에 매우 중요합니다. 하지만 대..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 영문서신(가격인상통지에대한연기요청) ( 2Pages )
영문서신(가격인상 통지에 대한 연기요청) December 1, 19 Optical Products Corp. 125 Monmouth Parkway Long Branch, NJ 07764 U.S.A. Gentlemen : Your request to raise the F.0.B. prices of recently introduced models by 11% effective January 21 to cover increasing cost pressure was indeed demotivating. We fully understand and can sympathize with the need to raise p..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 브랜드전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 29Pages )
Global brand management Brand Management Executive Summary Contents 기업 목표와 비전 문화의 특성에 따른 상품과 시장 개발 3. 브랜드 포지셔닝 4. 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 전략 기업목표와 비전 -미션 진술문(Mission statements) 기업이 추구하는 바가 무엇인지에 대한 명시적 표명 To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. “If you have a body, you are an athlete...
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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