construction_industry (2)
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construction_industry (2)
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construction_industry (2)
Construction Industry
I. Introduction
1. Brief explanation about construction industry
2. Analysis of construction industry
3. Top Five construction companies

II. Financial Analysis
1. Earnings per Share (EPS)
2. Return on Equity (ROE)
3. Net Profit Margin (NPM)
4. Return on Assets (ROA)
5. Dividend Yield
6. Receivable Turnover
7. Inventory Turnover
8. Debt / Equity Ratio

III. Conclusion
Brief explanation about construction industry
Construction Industry
residential facility
commercial facility
community-based facility
public facility
Analysis of construction industry
2) The conditions that Construction Industry facing with
Political point of view
- presidential election of 2012
→ new policy for improving the tone of
construction industry
Economic point of view
- no more business in domestic, but in overseas
1) Business model

Construction company ≠ Manufacture company
Make products
Sell products
Receive Demand
Place an order
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