source program
리포트 > 기타
source program
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2. source program.pdf
source program

- source program(loader.c)


#define M 30

typedef struct estab *estab_ptr;
typedef struct estab{
char name[7];
unsigned addr;
estab_ptr link;
estab_ptr table[20];

void pass1(char *[]);
int errchk(char *);
void insert(char *, unsigned);
unsigned hash(char *);
void prnmap_head(void);
void prnestab(void);
void d_record(void);
void h_record(char *[]);
void make_file(char *);
void pass2(char *[]);
void prnmem(void);
void m_record(char *[]);
void t_record(void);
void r_record(char *[]);

int PROGADDR = (4*16*16*16);
char record[1000]={0};
char line[80];
FILE *test, *map, *mem, *est;
unsigned csaddr, cslth;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i,max, num = argc;
char *list[10] = {0}; // array list(index is symbol number
// of modification record)
csaddr = PROGADDR;
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