전체 (검색결과 약 98개 중 6페이지)

 창업계획서- 스마트폰 살균기 대여,판매업체 창업 사업계획서 ( 8Pages )
스마트폰 살균기 판매,대여업체 창업계획서 [목차] 1. 사업아이템 소개 2. 사업아이템의 특징 3. 사업추진배경 4. 사업목표 5. 사업의 필요성 6. 사업운영계획 7. 시장현황과 향후전망 8. 사업아이템의 강,약점 9. 사업아이템의 경쟁우위 (1) 경쟁자와 비교했을때의 경쟁우위 (2) 가격적인 경쟁우위 10. 사업운영전략 11. 마케팅 및 홍보전략 12. 재무계획 (1) 예상 창업비용 (2) 예상 월지..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 가격및선적조건회신서신 ( 1Pages )
가격 및 선적조건 회신 서신 December 2, 1999 International Import C.P. 532 Grand'mere 4 P.Q., Canada Dear Sirs: Thank you for your kind inquiry, L/J, in accordance with which we are herein enclosing our latest price lists of items which are being Whipped abroad in large quantities and sending under separate cover color chart which contains some portion of shades w..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 옵션계약서예시(OPTION AGREEMENT) ( 5Pages )
OPTION AGREEMENT(영문-옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___,a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and having its principal place of business at ___ hereinafter called ___, and ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ___ hereinafter called ___ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ___ owns or controls valuable info..
서식 > 계약서 |
 C ++ 레퍼런스 학습용. ( 277Pages )
학습용으로 제작된 레퍼런스 입니다. 언어는 영문이고 독해가 되시는 분만 받으세용 63 페이지로 구성되어 있습니다. C# Language Reference Owners: Anders Hejlsberg and Scott Wiltamuth File: C# Language Reference.doc Last saved: 6/12/2000 Last printed: 6/8/2000 Version 0.17b Notice This documentation is an early release of the final documentation, which may be changed substantia..
정보/기술 > 프로그램소스 |
 영문 옵션계약서1 ( 5Pages )
OPTION AGREEMENT This Agreement, made on the day of by and between ,a company organized and existing under the laws of ,and having its principal place of business at hereinafter called , and ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of hereinafter called WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, owns or controls valuable information and data of a confidential nature relating to the ..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 영문-옵션계약서 ( 5Pages )
옵션계약서 (OPTION AGREEMENT) 영문판입니다. OPTION AGREEMENT(영문‐옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___ , a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and having its principal place of business at ___ hereinafter called "___ " , and ___ ___ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ___ hereinafter called " ___..
서식 > 계약서 |
commercial merits , limited period
 사업계획서 작성요령 ( 37Pages )
목차 1. 사업계획서란 2. 사업계획서의 기능 3. 사업계획서의 독자 4. 사업계획서의 형태 Ⅱ. 자금조달과 사업계획서(Ⅰ) 1. 자금조달의 중요성 2. 사업계획서가 투자자에게 주는 메시지? 3. 어떻게 자금을 조달할 것인가? (1) 투자자금의 유치 과정 (2) 투자자금 유치의 장단점 -장점 -단점 (3) 투자자금 유치시 고려할 내용 Ⅲ. 자금조달과 사업계획서(2) - 벤처캐피탈 1. 벤처캐피탈이..
비지니스 > 사업계획서 |
 영문 독점계약서 ( 2Pages )
Exclusive Sales Contract An exclusive sales contract has been entered into June 25, 20 between the Korea Exporting Co.,C.P.O. Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the American Importing Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions. 1. Party A grants to Party B the right of sole distributor..
서식 > 계약서 |
STRATEGIC PLANNING CHECKLIST A strategic planning meeting should be held on an annual basis, if not more frequent. The meeting should include all executive managers as well as any key supervisors with front-line knowledge and experience. A copy of the business plan should be present at the meeting so it can be referred to when needed. Keep in mind the intent of the meeting..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 옵션계약서 ( 5Pages )
OPTION AGREEMENT(영문옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___,a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and having its principal place of business at ___ hereinafter called ___, and ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ___ hereinafter called ___ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ___ owns or controls valuable informatio..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 무역_독점계약서 ( 1Pages )
독점계약서(exclusive sales contract)영문판입니다. An exclusive sales contract has been entered into June 25, 20 between the Korea Exporting Co., C.P.O. Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the American Importing Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions 독점계약서(Exclusive Sales Contrac..
서식 > 계약서 |
right, reasonable prices , Draft, marine insurance
 소득금액증명 ( 1Pages )
소득금액증명입니다. 발급번호 Issuance No. 소득금액증명 Certificate of Income □종합소득세 신고자용 Individual Taxpayer who filed the global income tax return □연말정산한 근로소득(사업소득)자용 Individual Taxpayer who payed income tax by withholding and year-end adjustment 처리기간 Period for handling 즉시 Immediately ○ 납세자 인적사항 Taxpayer's profile 주소 Address 성..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
소득금액, 금액증명, 소득
CONFIDENTIAL DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , by and between Disclosure Corp.,a() corporation, having a place of business at (계약 상대방의 주소)(hereinafter referred to as A) and XYZ Co., Ltd.,a Korean corporation, having a place of business at , Seoul, Korea (hereinafter referred to as COMPANY); WHEREAS A has invented (비밀정보의 ,주제등..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 Usance 매매 계약서(USANCE L_C SALES CONTRACT) ( 3Pages )
USANCE L/C SALES CONTRACT MESSRS.: Buyer의 상호, 주소 Date : Contract No. : ABC Company, Ltd., as Seller, hereby confirms having sold to you as Buyer, the following goods by this sales contract made on the above date and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Buyer is hereby requested to sign and return the original and if any discrepancy be found by Bu..
서식 > 계약서 |
 커피루카 마케팅사례 보고서 ( 22Pages )
커피 루카 마케팅사례 보고서에 대해 기술한 리포트 참고자료입니다. marketing strategy for increasing market share of looka objective company & competitor analysis swot analysis segmentation & targeting positioning 4p mix action plan budget raise the market share up to 25% by the second quarter of 2014. * namyang ceo ung-kim said “increase market share 30% by 2013”,..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
루카, 마케팅, 사례, 마케팅사례, 커피, PPT
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