전체 (검색결과 약 481개 중 3페이지)

 자유무역과 보호무역, 자유무역과 보호무역의 역사적 비교, 보호무역주의와 대외무역의 팽창, 제3세계에 대한 강제적 자유주의의 부정적 결과들 ( 10Pages )
목 차 자유무역과 보호무역 자유무역과 보호무역의 역사적 비교 보호무역주의와 대외무역의 팽창 제3세계에 대한 강제적 자유주의의 부정적 결과들 자유무역과 보호무역 1. 자유무역 자유무역이란 문자 그대로 무역활동을 국가가 간여하지 말고 자유방임하자는 이론으로 민간업체에 의한 무역활동을 국가가 일체 간섭하지 않고 자유롭게 방임(放任)함으로써 국가의 무역관리 또는 통제가 가해지지 않는 ..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 영문 한중간 매매계약서(Sales Contract) ( 13Pages )
Sales Contract (한중간) PREFACE Since the normalization of diplomatic relations between neighbors Korea and China in 1992, the trade relations have developed in a desired direction and the volume of trade has increased rapidly. In order to promote and facilitate the development of bilateral trade, the Korea-China Trade Contract Terms Study Committee and the China For..
서식 > 계약서 |
 납세사실증명Certificate of Tax Payment ( 1Pages )
[납세서비스사무처리규정 제32호 서식] 발급번호 Issuance number 납세사실증명 Certificate of Tax Payment 처리기간 Processing period 즉시 Immediately 성명 (대표자) Name 주민등록번호 Resident registration number 상호 (법인명) Name of company 사업자등록번호 Taxpayer identification number 주소 (본점) Address (Head office) 사업장 (지점) Address(Br..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
Issue No. 1234 CERTIFICATE OF TAX PAYMENT Address : #12345, Seocho-dong, Seocho-ku, Seoul-city. KID No. : 430721 - 1234567 Name in full : KIM, JONG SOO Location of Taxation : #2345, Seocho-dong, Seocho-ku, Seoul-city. DESCRIPTION Tax Item Yr. Term Taxation No. Tax amount Addition Property Tax 97 1 1234 1,656,910 Tax Item Total Sum Total Land Tax 97 2 ..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding,Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment ( 1Pages )
[Tax Form 24(1)] [2004.3.5.Amended] (page1) Control No. □ Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding □ Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment (Copy to report by issuer) Residency Resident 1/ Non-Resident 2 Nationality Citizen 1/ Foreigner 9 Application of Flat tax rate Yes 1/ No 2 State of Residence State Code Employer ① Company Na..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding,Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment ( 1Pages )
Control No. □ Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding □ Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment (Copy to report by issuer) Residency Resident 1/ Non-Resident 2 Nationality Citizen 1/ Foreigner 9 Application of Flat tax rate Yes 1/ No 2 State of Residence State Code Employer ①Company Name ②Representative Name ③Tax Reg. No. ④R..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding,Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment ( 1Pages )
[Tax Form 24(1)] (page1) Control No. □ Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding □ Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment (Copy to report by issuer) Residency Resident 1/Non-Resident 2 Nationality Citizen 1/Foreigner 9 Application of Flat tax rate Yes 1/ No 2 State of Residence State Code Employer ① Company Name ② Representative Name ③ Tax Reg. No. ④ Re..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 납세증명서Tax Clearance Certificate ( 1Pages )
[납세서비스사무처리규정 제3호 서식] 발급번호 Issuance number 납세증명서 Tax Clearance Certificate 처리기간 Processing period 즉시 (단, 해외이주용 10일) Immediately(Ten days for Emigration Passport) 납세자 Taxpayer 상호 (법인명) Name of company 사업자등록번호 Taxpayer Identification No. 성명 (대표자) Representative 주민등록번호 Resident Registration..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 로봇세 도입 찬성 및 반대 [로봇세,Robot Tax,로봇세 찬성,로봇세 반대] ( 13Pages )
로봇세 도입 찬성 및 반대에 대해 발표한 자료입니다. 1. 로봇세(Robot Tax) 정의 2. 로봇세 도입목적 및 배경 3. 로봇현황 및 향후 추세 4. 로봇세 도입 찬성 5. 로봇세 도입 반대 6. 결론 7. 참고자료
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
로봇세, Robot Tax, 로봇세 찬성, 로봇세 반대, Robot, 4차산업혁명, 4차 산업혁명
 Application Form for Tax Reduction or Exemption,Application Form in regards to a Change in the Content of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 2Pages )
[Form No. 80] (01.3.28. 개정) Foreign Investment □Application Form for Tax Reduction or Exemption □Application Form in regards to a Change in the Content of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Foreign Investor ①Name ②Nationality ③Name of the Foreign Invested Enterprise ④Business Registration No. Content of Foreign Investment ⑤Busine..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 1Pages )
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Telephone No.:) Content of Application ④Business of Intent ⑤Location ⑥Legal basis Pursuant to Article 121-2, Paragraph 1, Item( ) of the Special Tax Treatment Control Ac..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 1Pages )
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Telephone No.:) Content of Application ④Business of Intent ⑤Location ⑥Legal basis Pursuant to Article 121-2, Paragraph 1, Item( ) of the Special Tax Treatment Control Ac..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 원천징수영수증Receipt of Tax withheld,지급조서Payment Report,(발행자보고용)(For Report of Issuer) ( 1Pages )
[별지 제23호 서식(1)] (99.5.7개정) (제1쪽) □ 원천징수 영수증 Receipt of Tax withheld □지급조서 Payment Report (발행자보고용) (For Report of Issuer) ※관리번호 Control Number 거주구분 Residential Classitication 거주자 1, 비거주자 2 Resident1., Non-Resident 2 내외국인 NativeForeigner 내국인 1, 외국인 2 Native 1, Foreigner 2 징수 의무자 Withholding Agent ①법인명또는상호 Na..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 원천징수영수증Receipt of Tax withheld,지급조서Payment Report,(발행자보고용)(For Report of Issuer) ( 2Pages )
[별지제23호서식(1)](99.5.7개정) (제1쪽) □ 원천징수 영수증 Receipt of Tax withheld □지급조서 Payment Report (발행자보고용) (For Report of Issuer) ※관리번호 Control Number 거주구분 Residential Classitication 거주자 1, 비거주자 2 Resident1., Non-Resident 2 내외국인 NativeForeigner 내국인 1, 외국인 2 Native 1, Foreigner 2 징수 의무자 Withholding Agent ①법인명또는상호 Name..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 영문 부가가치세및원가증명원 ( 1Pages )
CERTIFICATE OF VALUE ADDED TAX & SUPPLIED PRICE Issue Number : TAX PAYER Address of Residency : Address of Establishment : Telephone Number : Name of Firm : Registration Number : Name of President : Resident Number : Kind of Business : Item of Business : Usage : Quantity : Period Sales(FromTo) Tax Basis(Amount of Income) Item of Tax Amount of Tax Month..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
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