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[전자공학실험] AVR Training Board-I(영어로)

[전자공학실험] AVR Training Board-I

1. Title
AVR Training Board-I
2. Name

3. Abstract
How to use Port, Pin
4. Background

AVR (Advanced Virtual RISC)
1. Consists of RISC structure based microcontroller
2. Low power 8 bit or 32 bits microcontroller
3. Works quickly and the orderings are simple.
4. Cheap in price and easy to apply so are used widely in industrial market.
5. 32 numbers of registers and RISC structure design is appropriate to develop C language.
6. Support ISP(In-System Programming) download.
1. Flash memory with 256 Kbytes with multiplication.
2. High efficiency microcontroller with 4KBytes of EEPROM memory and 8Kbytes of SRAM

1. One of megaAVR family as 8 bits AVR microcontroller.44
2. CMOS microcontroller with low power 8 bit of TQFP package with 64 pins.
3. As in the processing of downloading ISP, uses PDI, PDO instead of MOSI, MISO.
4. Able to extend 64kByte data memory in exterior.
5. Has 2 UART circuits.

[hwp/pdf][전자공학실험] AVR Training Board-I(영어로)
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