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미생물 순수배양기법 - 획선접종법과 주가평판법에 따른 미생물의 순수배양기술

획선접종법과 주가평판법에 따른 미생물의 순수배양기술

Abstract : Pure culture is cultivation of a one microorganism. In this experiment, we tested streak plate and pour plate to take a colony. Streak plate was using by loop. The method of pour plate is dilute microorganism and spread in a sollid media. These plates were cultured in 37℃ for 16-18 hour. So, we could gain a colony and count microorganism total count per millilitre.

Key words : pure culture, streak plate, pour plate, incubator, flame sterilization

서 론


[hwp/pdf]미생물 순수배양기법 - 획선접종법과 주가평판법에 따른 미생물의 순수배양기술
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