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RELAXING PLANTING RESTRICTIONS,Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.

Market Effects
of Relaxing
Planting Restrictions
of Fruit and Vegetable
in U.S.
Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.
Department of Food and Resources Economics, Korea University
We were curious about..
Direct payments and supporting price
A case brought by Brazil to the WTO against U.S. cotton programs.
Will these mechanism is going to applied in the real world as we expected
Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.
Department of Food and Resources Economics, Korea University
Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.
Department of Food and Resources Economics, Korea University
Forgoing Direct and Countercyclical Payments
*The average variation in revenue for
dry beans, sweet corn, potatoes, and processing tomatoes

ranges from
-low of about $46 per acre (for dry beans)
-to a high of $338 per acre for potatoes (fig. 1)

[ppt/pdf]RELAXING PLANTING RESTRICTIONS,Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.
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