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[일반물리] 마찰계수 측정[Measurement of Coefficients of Friction] - 영문으로

Measurement of Coefficients of Friction

1)Objective and Motivation
◎Measure the static coefficient of friction and kinetic coefficient of friction in various methode and mass, then compare each others.
◎Find the cause of the errors and discuss how they effected on data.

2)Theoretical Background and method
The definition of friction is The force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and/or material elements sliding against each other. It may be thought of as the opposite of slipperiness . (Wikipedia friction ). The friction is caused by electric force between surfaces of materials.
The friction force is determines by normal force()and coefficient of friction(). And the equation of frictional force is .

(2)Coefficient of Friction

[hwp/pdf][일반물리] 마찰계수 측정[Measurement of Coefficients of Friction] - 영문으로
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