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루 거스너 와 IBM부활의 신화,IBM,IBM부활,IBM분석,IBM기업분석,루거스너,IBM영문판

What the IBM is
Crisis Strategies to overcome it
Strategies for Globalization
Localization strategy
Introduction of the Book
Reason Purpose of choosing the book
Strategies to overcome risks
Direction for Sustainable Development
About the Book
How did IBM
deal with the crisis in the early 90s by scouting
Lou Gerstner
Reason Purpose of choosing the book
◎ to find out how IBM overcome the crisis it faced in the early 90s
◎ to investigate international business strategies IBM is using
About IBM
Over 90% of the U.S. government organizations use
hardware and software of IBM
Developed ‘FORTRAN(Formula translation), ‘Memory semiconductor D RAM’ , ‘High temperature superconductor’, ‘Extremely sensitive microscope’
Obtain 3,000 patents a year on average, No.1 for 15 years in a row
Produced 5 Nobel prize winners from the Watson Research Center
Ranked No.1 among the most honored computer companies for businesses
(By Fortune Magazine in 2004)
About IBM


[pptx/pdf]루 거스너 와 IBM부활의 신화,IBM,IBM부활,IBM분석,IBM기업분석,루거스너,IBM영문판
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