올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.
After reading "The Christmas Carol", "Anne of Green Gables", "The Great Stone Face", "The Ice Princess", "Great Expectations"

총 5권의 영어 소설을 읽고나서의 독후감입니다.

After reading "The Christmas Carol",

"Anne of Green Gables",

"The Great Stone Face",

"The Ice Princess",

"Great Expectations"

"Monday 3pm composition class"
This is the story of an orphan called Pip. He lived with his older sister and her

husband, Joe who was blacksmith. One day, he met an escaped prisoner in the

middle of visiting his dead parents' graves. The escaped prisoner, Magwitch

demanded to bring him some food tonight. Pip quickly gave them to the awful man.

However, the awful man was arrested and went back to jail again.

[hwp]After reading "The Christmas Carol", "Anne of Green Gables", "The Great Stone Face", "The Ice Princess", "Great Expectations"
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