올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.
5)영어- I got up at seven every day-습관 말하기(약안)

수업실습 교수-학습 계획(교생용)

6. I got up at seven every day
▶습관을 나타내는 말하기
습관을 묻고 답할 수 있다.
교수-학습 활동
학습자료 및 유의점
◈ Greeting
T: Hello, everyone. How do you feel like today
S: I m happy. So so. Not bad. and you
T: I m good! What date is it today
S: It s June 10th.
T: Right. Then what day is it today
S: It s Friday.
T: Yes! It s very happy Friday. How is the weather like
S: It s cloudy.
T: Exactly right.
◈ Motivation
T: We will play Guessing game . I will show you some part of the animals very quickly. Then you have to guess and say what was it. Now, look at the screen and guess what was it!
S: (Play Guessing game.)
T: You did very good job. Now, let s check the today s aims.

습관을 묻고 답할

[hwp/pdf][학습 지도안] 5)영어- I got up at seven every day-습관 말하기(약안)
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