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토양내 유기물 함량 측정

토양내 유기물 함량 측정

Ⅰ. Introduction
Organic has strong power to include nutrient and water. So, It play important role about nutrient storage and water tank. It also form layers gathering soil that improve physical character of soil. Organic of soil stopped lost of soil by rainning and reduced damage from drought. It also flourish soil microbe that promotes solubilization of nutrient. Actually, it makes a gap in soil to increase times of remain agricultural pesticides.
The suitability of including organic for cultivation of jinseng is 15~25g/kg ( 25~35g/kg is possible range). It is shortage that less15g/kg ,but more 35g/㎏ is excessive to cultivated ginseng.
1. Principle
Organic matter Content 계산법
① Walkley-Black Method
다음 계산식을 이용하여 유기물 함량을 구한다.
Organic C(%)=
(B : Blank , T : FeSO4 투입량 (ml), N : FeSO₄의 농도)
Organic matter(%)=

② Loss of weight on ignition
다음 계산식을 이용하여 유기물 함량을 구한다.
Organic matter(%)=

Ⅱ. Materials and Methods
1. Loss on ignition Method

[hwp/pdf]토양내 유기물 함량 측정
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