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장수경언해의 표기·음운사적 연구

[장수경언해]의 표기·음운사적 연구

Lee, Moon-kyu. 2001. A Study on Jangsugyeong Eonhae. The Journal of Linguistic Science 20, 249-274. This paper examined [長壽經諺解(Jangsugyeong Eonhae)] from linguistical point of view. Jangsugyeong Eonhae is an ancient book which was found recently. There are Buddha's teachings about the method of eliminating peaple's karma effects and living long in the book.
First, I investigated the rules of spelling of this book such as the marks of accent, Noun-ending consonant, ‘’,‘’ and consonantal clusters. And I analyzed vowel harmony and the first change of ‘’, which were important subjects in history of Korean language.
As the result of the investigation and analysis, I found the fact that this book had been published in the first half of the 16th century. This accords with the conclusion of bibliographical study on this book.(Busan National University of Education)

주제어 : 장수경언해, 표기, 음운사, 방점, 연철, 분철, 모음조화,

[hwp/pdf]장수경언해의 표기·음운사적 연구
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