올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.

IGR : Case analysis
Radioactive waste site : Buan Gyeongju

IGR : Buan/Gyeonju’s Case
I. Introduction Development process
II. Causes of failure sucess
III. Case summary evalutation
IGR case of Radioactive Waste Disposal
IGR : Buan/Gyeonju’s Case
I. Introduction Development process
June, 2003
Central Government announced policy of Radioactive Waste Disposal
IGR : Buan/Gyeonju’s Case
I. Introduction Development process
June, 2003
Central Government announced policy of Radioactive Waste Disposal
February, 2004
Buan rejected proposal by local referendom.

[ 5 : 92(against) ]
IGR : Buan/Gyeonju’s Case

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