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대변기 세정시 발생하는 배수소음의 특성변화에 관한 연구

대변기 세정시 발생하는 배수소음의 특성변화에 관한 연구
설수환, 정철운*,김재수†
원광대학교 대학원 건축공학과*, 원광대학교 건축학부
A Study on the Changes in Characteristics of Drainage Noise
from Water Closet Washing
Soo-Hwan Soul, Chul-Woon Jung*, Jae-Soo Kim†
*Department of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School, Wonkwang University,
Iksan Shin-yong Dong, Korea
Division of Architecture, Wonkwang University, Iksan Shin-yong Dong, Korea
(Received July 13, 2007; revision received October 18, 2007)
ABSTRACT: It has been noted, in case of the apartments in collective form, the drainage
noise from cleaning of toilet causes many problems in the basement and adjacent rooms,
mainly hampering the pleasant housing environment. The problems are increasingly raised by
civil complaints with the public offices. Therefore, if the drainage noise generates when
wash out of toilet bowl is grasped how the characteristics change according to the sorts of
drainpipe, it is considered that the establishment of an effective sound insulation countermeasure
could be possible when a civil petition against the drainage noise of apartment house is
submitted hereafter. On such viewpoint, this study measured and analyzed the characteristics
of drainage noise per the type of drainage pipe, according to KS A ISO 1996-1~3, with the
horizontal branch pipe and riser pipes in the drainage noise experiment chamber which has
the characteristics of the anechoic room. In the result, the pipe type with excellent noise
reduction function. The result of this study is considered to become available as fundamental
data, to take actions on reduction of drainage noise of the ceiling piping method.
Key words: Drainage noise(배수소음), Sound pressure level(음압레벨), Frequency
characteristics (주파수 특성)
†Corresponding author
Tel.: +82-63-857-6712; fax: +82-63-843-0782
E-mail address: soundpro@wonkwang.ac.kr
1. 서론
최근 국민의 의식수준 향상과 더불어 쾌적한
주거환경에 대한 욕구가 증대됨에 따라 생활소음
에 대한 민원발생이 증가하고 있는 실정이다.
특히 우리나라의 대표적인 집합주거 형태라고

[pdf]대변기 세정시 발생하는 배수소음의 특성변화에 관한 연구
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