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[미술사] 17세기 프랑스와 영국 미술

17세기 프랑스와 영국
17C 프랑스 미술
Simon, Vouet
Presentation in the Temple 1640-41
“Cheater with the Ace of Diamond”, 1620-40
Magdalen with the Smoking Flame”, c. 1640,
Nicolas Poussin
1630년 중병을 앓고난 직후의 자화상
“The Martyrdom of St Erasmus”1628, Pinacoteca, Vatican
Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion, 1648
Cezanne, 1878-79
Stormy Landscape with Pyramus and Thisbe, 1651
Claude Lorrain, Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula, 1641
Landscape with Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen( Noli me tangere´), 1681
Hyacinthe Rigaud
“Portrait of Louis XIV” 1701

[ppt/pdf][미술사] 17세기 프랑스와 영국 미술
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