올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.


From Elegy for My Father

Why did you travel
Because the house was cold.
Why did you travel
Because it is what I have always done between sunset and sunrise.
What did you wear
I wore a blue shirt, a white shirt, yellow tie, and yellow socks.
What did you wear
I wore nothing. A scarf of pain kept me warm.
Who did you sleep with
I slept with a different woman each night.
Who did you sleep with
I slept alone. I have always slept alone.
Why did you lie to me
I always thought I told the truth.
Why did you lie to me
Because the truth lies like nothing else and I love the truth.
Why are you going
Because nothing means much to me anymore.
Why are you going

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