올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.

‘Heuristics- Mental Shortcuts’
Who is more likely as a criminal
A rule of thumb that often helps in solving a certain class of problems, but makes no guarantees.
(Perkins, 1981)
- Irrationality of cognition
What is heuristic
1. Representativeness heuristic
Used to Judge similarity to stereotypes

2. Availability heuristic
Used to judge likelihood or frequency of event, occurrence

3. Attitude heuristic
Used to judge with previously formed attitude - halo effect

3-way of heuristic
Wray Herbert ‘On Second Thought’
- Analysis of heuristic recently
- includes segmentalized theory

‘The Visceral Heuristic’
‘The Visionary Heuristic’
‘The Momentum Heuristic’ …

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