올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.

Mcdonal s
Ⅰ. McDonald s Birth

Ⅰ. McDonald s
Ⅰ. McDonald s Growth
Ⅰ. The success strategy

Ⅰ. Global Taste locally
◎ Localization
- The country s appetite for the most respected
product develops and sales

- Pursuing sustainable regional

- McDonald s advance to Japan and Germany
the 1971
Thailand Rice burger
India’s Menus: None Beef
Morocco McArabia
Israel -McKebab
Ⅰ. McDonald s QSC V
2.Service Analysis

Fast and kind service.

Training that gives employee a responsibility and authority.

The reason for finding our food.

Supplying sevice that surpass customer s expectation.

A effort that must be customer s happiness and pleasure.

Ⅱ. The basic principle

Ⅱ. Present Situation

① Eat a bugger in a car.
② Comfortable.
③ Already recognized as the
best in the world.

포스팅 주소 입력
  올린글을 확인할 수 있는 포스팅 주소를 입력해 주세요.
  네이버,다음,티스토리,스팀잇,페이스북,레딧,기타 등 각각 4개(20,000p) 까지 등록 가능하며 총 80,000p(8,000원)까지 적립이 가능합니다.