올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.

1. Executive Summary 
1. Executive Summary
2. Cooperate Connection
1)relationships to other plan
②Strategic alliances
③Customer relationship management (CRM)
2) Marketing related plans
①Advertising and promotion
3) Cooperate direction
①Corporate philosophy

3. Positioning Statement
1) 현재의 입지 및 목표
2) 타 경쟁사와의 비교

4. Environmental Analysis Forecasting
1) Analysis of major environmental factors
2) Competitive analysis
3) Market trends
①Visitor trends
②Competitive trends
③ Related industry trends
4) Market potential
5) Marketing research
6) Desired action

5. Segmentation Targeting
1) Segmentation
①About Segmentation
2) Targeting
① 주중
② 주말
3) Research materials
① 대학생
② 교인들

6. Action Plans - ①
1) Sales strategies
① Prevent erosion of key account
② Grow key accounts
③ Grow selected marginal accounts
④ Eliminate selected marginal accounts
⑤ Retain selected marginal accounts but provide lower-cost sales support

포스팅 주소 입력
  올린글을 확인할 수 있는 포스팅 주소를 입력해 주세요.
  네이버,다음,티스토리,스팀잇,페이스북,레딧,기타 등 각각 4개(20,000p) 까지 등록 가능하며 총 80,000p(8,000원)까지 적립이 가능합니다.