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T. S. Eliot

T. S. Eliot
Who is T. S. Eliot
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 ~ 1965)
Poet / playwright / Dramatist / Literary critic
Representative of Modernism
Nobel Prize in Literature (1948)
Tony Award for Best Play (1950)
13 honorary doctorates (including Oxford, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, and Harvard)
The Author T. S. Eliot
He was born in 1888 in St. Louis. He was the son of a
prominent industrialist.
In 1915, Eliot, aged 26, was introduced to Vivienne
Haigh-Wood. And in 1932, they are separated.
In 1925, Eliot joined the publishing firm Faber Faber
later, where he remained for the rest of his career,
eventually becoming a director.
In 1927, Eliot converted to Anglicanism from
Unitarianism, and that year he took British citizenship.
In 1957, Eliot at the age of 68 married Esme Valerie
Fletcher, who was 32.
Eliot died of emphysema in London on January 4, 1965.
The Author T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot ’s other works

[pptx/pdf]T. S. Eliot
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