올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.


New Retail Forms and shortening Retail Life Cycles

A Slowed Economy and Tighter Consumer Spending

Growth of Nonstore Retailing

Retail Convergence

The Rise of Megaretailers

Growing importance of Retail Technology

Global Expansion of Major Retailers.

Retail Stores as Communities
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Retailing Trends and Developments
Retailers operate in a harsh and fast-changing environment, which offers threats as well as opportunities. Especially in tough economic times, Consumer demographics, lifestyles, and spending patterns are changing rapidly, as are retailing technologies.
Retailing Trends and Developments
New Retail Forms and Shortening Retail Life Cycles.

New Retail Forms and Shortening Retail Life Cycles.


포스팅 주소 입력
  올린글을 확인할 수 있는 포스팅 주소를 입력해 주세요.
  네이버,다음,티스토리,스팀잇,페이스북,레딧,기타 등 각각 4개(20,000p) 까지 등록 가능하며 총 80,000p(8,000원)까지 적립이 가능합니다.