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Dr. Nature

Dr. Nature
Development of Baby Skin Care Brand
- Company Introduction
- Problem Identification

2. External Analysis
Market Analysis
- Competitor Analysis
- Consumer Analysis
- Growth Prospect

3. Brand Development
- Brand Identity
- Core Values
- Products
4. Marketing Strategy
- Channel
- Promotion
- Communication Strategy

5. Expected Results and Conclusion
1.1 Company Introduction
Biggest cosmetic company in South Korea, with 39% market share (1st)

Powerful and well established brand shops (ARITAUM, ETUDE, Innisfree), with 25% market share (1st)

Wide range of brands and diverse product lineup, with about 30 brands

Net sales 69.3 billion won, Operation profit 14.8 billion won in the first-quarter

Overseas expansion, in more than 10 countries, from France, China, Singapore to the U.S.

1.2 Problem Identification
1. Background
1.2 Problem Identification
1. Background
1.2 Problem Identification
1. Background

[pptx/pdf]Dr. Nature
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