올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.

1.Patient - Gogo McNeely

Weight -11.4kg
Species -Canine
Breed -Miniature Schnauzer
Age -7 yrs old
Sex CM
Chief complaint -Hematuria
Case history - Pollakisuria over the last week

Physical examination and Lab findings

1.Unremarkable physical and rectal examination
2.During Cystocentesis, three 2-3cm hyperechoic densities were found and cystic calculi are strongly suspected.
3.Urinalysis ; moderate calcium oxalate crystalluria
PH 6.0
USG 1.045 (high margin)
4.Blood work ; serum calcium was unremarkable
5.Surgery went well,
Stones were made of “100% calcium oxalate “

Recommend Nutritional Therapeutic Diet

포스팅 주소 입력
  올린글을 확인할 수 있는 포스팅 주소를 입력해 주세요.
  네이버,다음,티스토리,스팀잇,페이스북,레딧,기타 등 각각 4개(20,000p) 까지 등록 가능하며 총 80,000p(8,000원)까지 적립이 가능합니다.