올린글을 확인할 수 있도록 포스팅을 공개로 설정해 주세요.


Let It Be Forgotten

Let it be forgotten as a flow'r is forgotten,
Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold.
Let it be forgotten forever and ever.
Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.
If anyone should ask say it was forgotten,
Long and long ago. As a flow'r, as a fire, as a hushed foot-fall
In a long forgotten snow.

(Sara Teasdale)



잊어버려요, 꽃을 잊어버리듯.
잊어버려요, 한 때 금빛으로 타오르던 불꽃을 잊어버리듯.
영원히, 영원히 잊어버려요.

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