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소셜커머스의 모든것 (영문레포트)

Social Commerce


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. What is Social Commerce
2. Social Commerce System
1) Social Commerce connected with SNS
2) Group Purchasing Social Commerce
3) Direct Sales Social Commerce
4) Promotion Social Commerce
3. Comparison of Social Commerce in Korea and Foreign Country

Ⅱ. Body
1. Social Commerce as New paradigm
2. Business model of Social commerce
3. Strong points on marketing
1) Service providers
2) Customers
4. Side effect of marketing
1) Side effect
2) Case of damage
5. To take action
1) Coupang
2) Wemakeprice
3) Groupon

Ⅲ. Conclusion
1. Suggest alternatives
ⅰ) Grading system and publication of the seller
ⅱ) TF team building for consumer protection
ⅲ) Conduct pre-appointment
2. Conclusion
1) Customer Satisfaction
2) Value Activity

Ⅰ. Introduction

[hwp/pdf]소셜커머스의 모든것 (영문레포트)
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